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Commonwealth of Humanity

The Commonwealth of Humanity is a nation that has a long and complex history. It was founded on the principles of meritocracy, where individuals are chosen to hold positions of power based on their skills and expertise rather than their social status or personal connections. This approach to governance has contributed to the stability and effectiveness of the Commonwealth, as it ensures that those in positions of power are qualified and capable of leading effectively.     The Commonwealth is made up of a diverse group of races, including humans, half-elves, half-orcs, genasi, kalashtar, and tieflings of human origin. The decision to grant citizenship to human-descended tieflings angered the Irenic Foundation, and contributed to the dissolution of the Northern Alliance between humans, elves, and dwarves.   The Commonwealth is torn between the new ideals of its founding and those it has inherited from the past. This tension can be seen in the power dynamics within the Commonwealth, with the wealthy and noble families holding significant power and influence, despite the meritocratic principles of the nation. This history can be traced back to the Human Fiefdoms, where each of the 13 regions was ruled by a lords who respected the lands and peace of the other lords, but who also held a significant amount of power and influence within their own regions.   The Human Fiefdoms were ultimately ended by the events of the Iceglade wars and the 1st cataclysm. During this time, the Isle of the Humans was dropped and conquered by the Infernal Domain, leading to the collapse of the Iceglade Empire and the dispersal of the surviving humans, elves, and other races to the east. The 1st cataclysm only ended when a group of Kalashtar opened a portal to the Celestial Realms which drove off the infernal armies. However it's legacy is still seen in how the Commonwealth distributes voting power. Each hold, ruled over by a mayor or a Baron in the unique case of Icespire, is given a limited number of positions to participate in the decisionmaking of the entire Commonwealth.   The Commonwealth has expanded significantly over the past 150 years, thanks in part to the imperialism of the Irenic Foundation, which has helped to protect the Commonwealth from Orcish raids and allowed it to expand its territory. Further the political possibility of establishing new holds which would be granted positions to influence the politics of the commonwealth, was too good to ignore. The Commonwealth has established new cities, such as Dawnacre, Ravenport, and Eastmere, which may have their own unique cultures and histories. Eastmere, previously known as Eseri Milenora, was built upon the ruins of an elven city destroyed in the second cataclysm. These cities may have their own unique cultures and histories, and contribute to the overall diversity and richness of the Commonwealth.   The Irenic Foundation's view of Eastmere changed dramatically when the Commonwealth of Humanity granted citizenship to tieflings of human origin. Prior to this, the Foundation had been supportive of the humans rebuilding the Elvish city of Eastmere, seeing it as a way for the city to continue on in a new form. However, the decision to allow tieflings to be citizens in Eastmere, while denying citizenship to pure elves, was seen as a betrayal by the Irenic Foundation. They felt that this decision showed a lack of respect for Elvish history and culture, and that it was an affront to the memory of those who had died in the first cataclysm. As a result, the Irenic Foundation strongly condemned this decision, and their relationship with the Commonwealth of Humanity was strained as a result.  


  On the founding of the Commonwealth of Humanity in 1245, one of the key decisions made by the founders was to return the lands of Icespire to the Iceglade family. The return of these lands was seen as a gesture of goodwill and a sign of the Commonwealth's commitment to reconciliation and unity. However, this decision was controversial and was seen by many as going against the ideals of meritocracy that the Commonwealth was founded upon.   The Iceglades were given the same level of political power as the experts and leaders from Whiteharbor, despite having no expertise or qualifications in governance. This was seen as a major flaw in the system, as it gave the Iceglades a level of influence and control that was not earned through merit or achievement. Many saw this as a step backwards for the Commonwealth, and argued that it went against the principles of equality and fairness that were at the heart of the nation's founding.   Despite these criticisms, the decision to return the lands of Icespire to the Iceglades was ultimately upheld, and the noble family has continues to hold a significant level of influence in the Commonwealth to this day. This has led to ongoing debates about the role of nobility and aristocracy in the modern world, and the extent to which they should be allowed to wield power and influence in a merit-based society.
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