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The Adventure so far 02: Small theft Aviated

General Summary

Cast: Garrett, Ivasaar, Ozul Central Domain Time: Ascending Airday of The Servant, 1635 (4/19/1635) (Note: This is a retelling of a investigation and will show the clues along the way if people want to read along)   As the week passed since the Dragon and Kobold infestation of The Isle, the group returned from a resource run, Udurth welcomed them back. But asked if any had gone missing during their journey. Upon enquiry he explained that there had been a string of robberies, on The Isle, starting from about 5 days ago. Udurth had interviewed all on The Isle, having known them all for a long time, but decided his history might be blinding him to certain facts. Having ruled out the group, asked them to investigate.   The group were asked to speak to 4 people, Lenadrent the Kalashtar mage, Froni the Centaur Naturalist, Urikur the Gnome Artificer and Snowflake the Tabaxi who kind of hangs out here.   The group first spoke to Froni, who was busy outside her store synthesising potions. She was eager to chat about the robbery, telling the group that she had various ingredients taken and potions of shrinking. While the kobolds did break down her door she was able to barricade it with a bookshelf while awaiting repairs. The robbery had occurred while the door was barricaded and the marks along the floor from where it had been moved seemed consistant with how many times it should've been closed up. The group were able to investigate inside. Where they found a fireplace as well as some Kobold droppings, which is best left at that. Froni thought this could be the work of a Skulk.   Next the group went to see Lenadrent, the Kalashtar mage. He had a small pile of books near him as well as three small bags. When Ozul interviewed him however, Lenadrent appeared to be very confused. He was unaware that a robbery had occurred or as to where they were, but guessing they were on the Central Domain. When asked what went missing, Lenadrent eventually consulted a book that seemed to have a list of items that they owned, which folded out a few times. He looked to it and asked for time to properly go through all his things. He took Ozul's name and responded that his name was Lenadrent the second.   Next on the list was Snowflake the Tabaxi,, he was perched up in a position that gave him view over The Isle. As the group approached he admitted he was slightly insulted to only be the third the group spoke with. He casually and easily admitted that while he stole some 30 years ago, he had had clean whiskers ever since. He doubted that it could be anyone besides Froni, as while there was a thief of seemingly magic nature on the loose, she was free to continue her practice. He also was troubled by a beast on The Isle... a dog. From the top of his perch he had seen the creature around The Isle.   .   Last to speak to was Urikur, a gnome and Senior Archavist of Aeromancy from Arcasturm. He was working on a small, single-user airship. He was using his flame cannon to weld two sheets of metal together, using his metal hand to hold them together. He seemed slightly crazed but was eager to share how he'd barricaded his workshop. He emerged from his workshop with a large piece of metal which he proceeded to start welding to the workshop doorframe. Despite this the group noticed a smashed window about 20 feet up. Investigating this from the workshop walkway, noticed there was a small amount of powder on the windowsill as well as a tiny ammount of blood on the glass, which Ozul recognised as Fey blood. Urikur had told the group that he had stolen some fuel, a Darkstone rod, and a Harmonizer, a device which Ivasaar recognised to be a tool of enchantment that allowed the magicless to create magical items and implements.   The group eventually returned to Lenadrent who had returned to his reading. Upon noticing the group he wondered who they were, forgetting the conversation that had but an hour ago. The group asked him what items he was missing. To which he found his list of inventory, in a similar way as before, but had found a new note. Reading it as if for the first time, Lenadrent recounted that he was missing his book of Personal Histories as well some magical ingredients. When asked to identify the powder however he was able to recount a great deal of information about the dust, being it was pixie dust, it could make creatures fly, mages and druids could summon them and they have various uses, but admitted that he could not which Garrett found sincere.   With the mounting evidence of Froni's involvement, the group returned to her shop where she was using the dragons blood to try to create an essense of wind. Froni admitted to the group that she could summon pixies and it was found from her records that while she was busily filling out and completing orders, she had sold Lenadrent 10 pixies. The group were able to summize that even while Froni ordered them to not commit crime and to follow her customer's orders, if the customer ordered the pixie to commit a crime, they were free to do as they pleased.   This culminated in the group finding the pixies in one of Lenadrent's bags of holding, using a harmonizer to create a magical bag of some kind. After Lenadrent had failed to command them, the group drank the potions of shrinking and dived into the bag to combat the pixies, after the pixies almost succeeded in creating the bag, the world around them began to shift. Luckily the group were able to slay them before they had finished. After the leader was slain they found Lenadrent's Personal Histories, this journal uncovered how he had come to realise that he was the Simulacrum of the orignal Lenadrent, and his imperfect creation had meant that he was unable to learn new memories outside of keeping his notes in books. As time went on this had an increasing drain on his psyche until he decided in order to fund the casting of True Polymorph to turn himself into a normal Mortal, he would order pixies to steal for him.   After the group emerged from the bag of holding they gave Lenadrent's journal to Udurth, advising him to consider not returning it to Udurth. Before returning the other items to who they were stolen from.

Rewards Granted

Rewards for the previous session are as follows: 100 gp per player, as reward for the returned items Unlocked: Froni now sells healing potions (2d4+2) for 40 gp, & for 200 gp she'll sell you a potion of greater healing (4d4+4) Unlocked: for 300 gp Lenadrent is willing to part with his spare bag of holding, he even wrote it down


(also small DM mistake during this session: I intended to show that upon receiving conflicting orders the pixies pact was broken, hence why Lenadrent wouldn't be able to order them to stop upon the pixies being discovered, but this bit got lost to me earlier in the session also at Froni's shop. My bad but we learn)


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