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Arcasturm is a bustling city located on the desert island of Yosvyn, it is the capital of the Arcasturm Republics. The towering spires of the city are dedicated to research and development, where its citizens pour their minds into the study of magic and technology. The sounds of clanging metal and the hum of magic can be heard echoing through the streets, and the city is alive with activity, as the gnomes of Arcasturm work together to create a better future for all. The Forge Tower, in particular, is a massive structure that dominates the cityscape, with plumes of smoke billowing from its chimneys and its walls adorned with intricate machinery.   In stark contrast, the Ashborough is a dark and gritty place, hidden from the eyes of the world. The thick smog from the Forge Tower envelops the area in a perpetual haze, casting a shadow over the city below. This is a place where the rule of law is thin and the streets are dominated by criminal elements. The Ashborough is a place of danger and desperation, where the desperate and the hopeless come to eke out a living in the shadows of the towering city above. The air is thick with the scent of oil and smoke, and the sounds of the city are muffled and distorted, giving the area an otherworldly feel. The buildings are cramped and close together, with narrow alleys and dimly lit workshops. It is a place where the city's outcasts and misfits eke out a living, far from the prying eyes of the wealthy and powerful. The Ashborough is a place of hustle and bustle, of makeshift stalls and makeshift shops, where the city's most daring and inventive minds work tirelessly to create their latest innovations. Despite the danger that lurks within its boundaries, the Ashborough is a place where those who dare to enter can find their fortunes, for better or for worse.   Despite the city's focus on progress and innovation, there is also an undercurrent of tension between the worshippers of the old pantheon of Trakorin and their tools, and those who follow the Great Machine, a newer deity who's embedded it's philosophy in many a Gnome. Many worshippers of Trakorin see themselves as soldiers in the fight for the hearts and minds of Gnomes, Goliaths, and Warforged, and yet may be demanded to prove their allegiance to the Great Machine. Despite this tension, the city remains a thriving and vibrant place, with a diverse population of Gnomes, Goliaths, and Warforged working together to design a better future for all.


Arcasturm is a bustling city, teeming with life and energy. It is home to a diverse population of gnomes, goliaths and warforged, who all work together to create a better future for themselves and the city.   The gnomes are known for their focus on research and development, with many dedicated to studying various fields of magic and technology. The goliaths are strong and proud, and many serve as enforcers or warriors for the Republics. The warforged are the city's backbone, tirelessly working in the forge tower to create the airships and warforged that help protect Arcasturm. While the occasional flock of aarakocra are seen as exotic visitors, flying in from the skies to trade and do business with the city's residents.   Despite the different backgrounds and beliefs of its citizens, Arcasturm remains a vibrant and thriving place, where everyone works together to achieve their goals.


The Republics of Arcasturm are seen as defendedable against all threats, both external and internal. Towering over the desert sands, the city is guarded by a fleet of imposing airships, armed to the teeth with advanced magical technology. These vessels patrol the skies, keeping watch over the city and its people, ready to unleash their might at a moment's notice. The desert's harsh conditions also provide a natural barrier, making it difficult for any attackers to approach unnoticed. With these powerful defenses in place, the Arcasturm Republics are well-protected, ensuring the safety and prosperity of its citizens.

Guilds and Factions

Arcasturm is a city of progress and innovation, and as such, it is home to many influential guilds and factions. Each one plays a vital role in shaping the future of the city, and their interests often intersect in complex and unpredictable ways.   The first notable faction is the "Soulweavers" - a group of animancers who specialize in the study of souls and the manipulation of life energy. They are led by the gnomish inventor Welmyra Whistleboot and are known for their cutting-edge research and the creation of the Warforged, the Republic's powerful constructs.   Next is the "Tools of Trakorin" - a religious order dedicated to the worship of the old gods of the human pantheon. They see themselves as the guardians of tradition and the protectors of the people, and they are known for their strict adherence to ancient customs and their unwavering devotion to their gods.   The "Pillars of Enforcement" is a powerful organization of enforcers responsible for maintaining order in the city. They have a reputation for being impartial and fair, but they are not above using force when necessary to maintain the peace.   Finally, there is the "Great Machine Assembly" - a group of technophiles who worship the Great Machine, a newer deity said to embody progress and technological advancement. They are known for their innovative creations and their ambitious plans to improve the lives of all who live in Arcasturm.   Each faction has its own unique set of goals, values, and beliefs, and they are constantly vying for power and influence in the city. Their interplay creates a vibrant and ever-shifting landscape of politics and intrigue, making Arcasturm a fascinating place to explore.


Arcasturm is located in the scorching heart of the desert fallen isle of Yosvyn, where the sun beats down mercilessly and the wind carries the fine grains of sand through the bustling streets. The air is thick with the smoke from the Forge Tower, the city's center of innovation and industry, casting a permanent haze over the city. Despite the harsh conditions, the citizens of Arcasturm thrive, with towering spires of research and development piercing the sky and bustling markets filled with the sounds of trade and commerce. Whether it's the heat of the day or the cool of the night, the city is alive with energy and ambition, a testament to the resilience and determination of its inhabitants.
Alternative Name(s)
"The City of Spires"
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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