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Lord Gray

Sage: “I was home-schooled most of my life, I was to be part of the Aarakocra you see, and thus I was given the highest calibre of teachings Aarakocra society had to offer. My teacher which specialised in magic was highly impressed with my natural affinity for magic. He told me I was squandering my talents with my baseless/childish games and obsessions and should instead seek out university education to take advantage of my gifts"   Childhood "was born and brought up in a Mansion estate. A large forest, multiple buildings and a pleasant field was part of my home. And of course the giant marble fountain, centrepiece to the entrance"   Childhood Memories "Even when I was a child, I did not behave as my parent’s wished me too. My behaviour and interests were bellow that of a higher Aarakocra. Other's saw my interest different and strange, which caused angry retaliation from my parents and family. Many wanted nothing to do with me. This was fine as I had my learning and research to focus on"   Family "Both parents alive are alive and well, last time I checked. I also have an uncle, more stuck up than the rest of them! Two siblings, both sisters… I got along well with them, they treated me fairly until the very end… All have now disowned me. (Aarakocra are ignorant like that)"   Family Lifestyle "My family come from a long line of Aarakocra Aristocrats, long lineage of keeping the pure status quo alive and kicking…" WARLOCK   I became a Warlock because: - "Well, I became a Warlock After dedicating my whole life in all to my research of the nether and that beyond our own plane of existence. I was actually a simple researcher of infernal magic, it was to provide information and understanding in the war-effort against the infernal races… but I found them fascinating, and was always very understanding towards the bigotry the infernal races had to endure… During my research, I came across a book! Which, after performing various researched magics, opened a doorway that led me to my future patron, and purpose. I began to research and worship in secret." Life Events (3) 1. "As I’ve stated before, I spent a large portion of my life researching the infernal magic alongside the best minds of the Aarakocra, until I finally found my purpose alongside my patron, The Old One. What a life that was, sometimes I miss my old research lab… although my new one is quite incredible" (Extra 6gp) 2. I fell in-love with another Aarakocra, Lady Soldavin. She was a fellow researcher from another department, the department of abnormalities. WHAT A WOMAN! My happiest memories are with her, what I wouldn’t do to fix some of the mistakes I’ve committed… but hey-ho, no time to dwell on the past! Anyway… she along everyone else cast me aside for my indifference to the facist Aarakocra regime after my actions during the war… I can’t bring myself to think ill of her, even for that… 3. "Ah yes… THE WAR! I was called to the front-lines to test out the latest in infernal counter-magics against the infernal races. I was good at it too! We had a fantastic operation going, all my research was paying off! My research was helping them turn the tides in their favour! But then our research station on the front line’s was overthrown… we we’re stuck, no more soldiers were to come… so I reached out to my patron and asked for guidance. I saved most of them. Using my knowledge and determination I saved them from the ongoing slaughter… when rescue came, I was the only unscathed. Those I saved turned on me, called me an foolish, cruel things, AS IF I’D NOT JUST SAVED THEIR LIVES. I was brought back in chains and counter-magic… I was trailed, my form defiled… disowned, outcast… bitter… Tell me what you think about the background story!:)




Towards Lord Gray


Lord Gray


Towards Buu


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