Cerin Fight with the Manticore

Fight with the Manticore

Military: Battle


After events with Priestess Halfa as a reward for saving her life, she hired a carriage to take me no the rest of my journey to Vurchga, however on the way the first routes we were taking was blocked off due to a battle between Einheit soldiers and Eshos airship this was the first time I saw a living dragon. Heading into Vurchga, it was not long before I found a group of Venandi. They allowed me to join as a backup medic and to watch from afar; however, this would still seem dangerous as I was called in to help with teat one of the down members soon after they killed Manticore; their own medic was the first to find that I had taken damage from the Manticore with one of its Tail Spike impaling me. Adrenaline was pumping in my veins, and I didn't feel it. After a quick emergency removal leaving me with a small scar, they told me I had to get a hunter's licence if I wished to carry on this line of work and suggested a guild I should go to that was hiring new members. This was White Triger's later know as The Iron Dogs.