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Nesting Festival

The Nesting Festival is one of the traditions of the Anor people, which has also been adopted by the Drakman and the Kobblin. Typically celebrated at the first sign of spring, the Nesting Festival is a time to enjoy the return of life, and particularly of songbirds.


It is said that long ago, when the Dragon Kings came down from Oloseth and began to hunt in Western Chaia as well, all the songbirds flew away from Diguardia. For centuries, birdsong wasn't heard, as though the land were in a perpetual winter. Then, when Queen Annali slew Nelrointh and the Dragon Kings were forced out of the land, a single nightingale alighted on the queen's shoulder and warbled a tune of victory. At the Nesting Festival, the Anor celebrate Annali's victory over Nelrointh and the return of songbirds to Diguardia.

Components and tools

One of the most important facets of the nesting festival are the birds. Songbirds kept by noble and wealthy houses are brought into public in ornate cages, and sing for the people of the villages during the day. When night begins to fall and the birds begin to quiet, zinc flutes are brought forth and the song continues on.   No good festival is complete without plenty to eat, and the Nesting Festival is no different. Roasted hazelnuts are one of the most common snacks to accompany the festivities. At dinner, Anorians typically eat meals of salty and savory curried board, savory stewed beef with cinnamon and salt, and a pungent fish soup made with cinnamon. For dessert as the evening stretches on there are apple pies, strawberries and cream, and (for wealthier households) pineapple from Oneria. The adults also enjoy strong strawberry brandy made with lime and cinnamon, while children and pregnant women drink watered pineapple wine that is made with strawberry.


The Nesting Festival takes place in early spring, on the 20th of Cupry.   There isn't an established way to observe the Nesting Festival, though most Anorians follow the guidelines outlined here.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Wendy Smith


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