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History of Chaia

This is a brief overview of the history of Chaia.

The Age of Lost Knowledge

... 1579

This was the age during which Ancient Elven and Ancient Dwarven cultures flourished. See Age of Lost Knowledge.

  • -1121 ALK

    Earliest Known Guwawae Tablets Transcribed
    Religious event

    This is the approximate date given for when the first tablets detailing the Guwawae were recorded.

  • -15 ALK

    30 Tenebra

    The Beginning of the War of Thorns
    Military action

    War of Thorns, a battle between gods and spirits, began on this date with the death of Froitruk.

The Age of Flames

1578 1

The Age of Flames is generally considered to begin with the mass exodus of the elves in the face of the rise of the Dragon Kings, and to end with the death of Nelrointh. See Age of Flames.

  • -1577 AF

    1 Virid

    The Disappearance of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves were said to have fled from the face of Chaia 1,578 years before Queen Annali slaid Nelrointh. The Trei fled down their tunnels, the Raina fled to their tree, and the Elar fled to the stars. The elves would reemerge 2000 years later.

  • -45 AF

    Founding of Uinvamor

    The settlement of Uinvamor was founded in this year by a group of humans who had escaped the fields of Oloseth and found the river a quiet place to rest and forage.

The Age of Heroes

0 83

The Age of Heroes was the time during which the Dragon Kings were defeated. See Age of Heroes.

  • 0 AH

    28 Tenebra 06:00

    Death of Nelrointh
    Era beginning/end

    Queen Annali is said to have slain Nelrointh on this day as dawn broke over the plains of Oloseth.

  • 13 AH

    30 Argen

    Founding of Diguardia

    Queen Annali officially founded the nation of Diguardia on this day, after more than 13 years of fighting against the Dragon Kings. Legions of soldiers and generals bowed the knee to the legendary queen on this day, acknowledging her right to rule the Anor people.

  • 67 AH

    23 Alben 1200:00

    The Founding of Moonwall University

    Moonwall University was founded on this date, as part of the efforts sponsored by Queen Annali to promote civilization among the Anor following the death of Nelrointh, the defeat of the Dragon Kings, and the founding of Diguardia.

The Age of Brick

84 421

This was an age of building and the rise of many kingdoms.

  • 84 AB

    24 Aurim 23:00

    Death of Queen Annali
    Life, Death

    Queen Annali died on this day.

  • 126 AB

    9 Rubru 23:00

    Founding of Tsardom of Oloseth
    Military action

    Pipr Yeiks of Oloseth defeated Flid Kwoi and, in doing so, eliminated the last great competitor on the plains of Oloseth.

  • 356 AB

    15 Cupry

    Birth of Elod Manalle
    Life, Birth

    Elod Manalle was born on this day.

    More reading
    Elod Manalle
  • 412 AB

    29 Alben 13:00

    Death of Elod Manalle
    Life, Death

    Elod Manalle was slain in battle by soldiers from Gizad, shattering his dream of an enduring Rylani empire.

    More reading
    Elod Manalle
  • 419 AB

    23 Finem

    Establishment of the Baicroan Pantheon
    Religious event

    More reading
    Baicroan Pantheon

The Age of Smoke

422 and beyond

See Age of Smoke for more information.

  • 422

    1 Virid

    Reemergence of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    This is the date the elves reemerged.

  • 426

    2 Aerean 17:00

    The Founding of Horough County

    Horough County was founded on this date. Arke Kengge, in recognition for his service during a war with Oloseth, was granted the title of Count of Diguardia, and given this province, which had been taken from Oloseth in part due to his efforts.

  • 848

    12 Aesy 9:00

    The Fall of Hannawal
    Military action

    The city of Hannawal, now called Obreak, fell to Onerian forces on this date.

  • 854

    Beginning of the Dehembrenese/Bavarican War
    Military action

    See Dehembren Invasion of Bavaric.

  • 862

    28 Unon

    The Beginning

    This is when our story begins.