Asbarl Organization in Charyba | World Anvil
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Asbarl is a territory that covers the southeastern portion of Udarich. The territory was formed in 3204 when two warring territories made an alliance, fearing the Rusha Kingdom's ever strengthening army.    The Astarte tribe lives in the denser forests in the northern part of Asbarl. This tribe of humans, orcs, and aarokocra are feared woodland raiders. In groups of two, they'll harry travelers from the treetops and the ground. This tribe is led by a human woman named Farnsir, whose bloodthirsty nature is known feared across Udarich. Farnsir is fiercely protective of her people and land. That, coupled with the relatively small size of her tribe, had kept the Astarte tribe contained in a small section of the continent unlike the Arctic Gnashers or the Ribahrn Territory.   Heading south, the dense forest begins to thin out, becoming planes shortly before ending up as beaches on Udarich's southern coast. A tribe of harengon and gnomes, formerly called the Barldu Tribe before uniting with the Astarte, live here. The people are known for tinkering and farming. This tribe has come and gone from Udarich maps for several centuries. The tribe would often allow itself to taken over and absorbed into other territories, lulling the invaders into a false sense of security and then. Once the Barldu had gained the resources and new ideas from their invaders, they would quickly rise up and slaughter the invaders. The uprisings would always be swift to prevent survivors from revealing just how ruthless the Barldu could be.  


  • Harengon
  • Gnomes
  • Humans
  • Aarokocra
  • Orcs


  • Astarte Camp
  • Tinkertown


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