Glom Nitt Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Glom Nitt

Glom Nitt is a gnome living on Udarich and one of the Nightwalkers, codenamed Peacelover.  



Glom found himself washed ashore on the icy northern coast of Udarich in 3199, remembering nothing more than his name. He spent a few years fight among the Arctic Gnashers and proved a very capable fighter. The other Gnashers often bullied him for his unusual appearance for a gnome. He eventually slew the rest of his gang and wandered the arctic wastes alone.   Windtooth had been watching Glom and used this opportunity to recruit him. Windtooth was getting a thieves' gang together and wanted Glom as the muscle. Glom agreed and took the codename Peacelover.   It is unknown whether he survived the crash of the Raziel.  


Glom is a gruff fighter, speaking aggressively to most everyone he meets. He keeps himself closed off from most people.


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