Windtooth Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Windtooth is a vargar from the Ingvar Wildlands on Udarich and a member of the Nightwalkers.



Born in 3176. The rogue dislikes talking about his past, though his many scars hint that it was difficult one. Windtooth found it difficult to survive on his own, even when stealing. The young vargar found it much easier to form connections with others in need and work together to survive. This was how he formed the Nightwalkers early on, later recruiting Bigwig and Petrichor.  

Nightwalking Thief

In his role at Nightwalker leader, Windtooth usually makes the plans. With Bigwig's assistance, he scouts the target and then spends hours planning the heist on his own. When the need calls for it, Windtooth will play the role of conman.   It was Windtooth that suggested the heist on the Raziel.  


Windtooth is charismatic, a trait that always helps him sway others to his cause and con his marks. He cares deeply for his crew but has trouble really opening himself up to them. His difficult youth taught him to always look out for himself and he has never been able to shake that lesson off.
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