Popoki Village Settlement in Charyba | World Anvil
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Popoki Village

Popoki is a quiet forest village home to a tabaxi clan in the Catfolk Freehold Nestled in the foothills of the Gordauga Mountain Range, Popoki Village is isolated from most of Udarich. It's a small enough community that most people just trade for what they need, doing favors for one another.   Occasionally, fighters from Ghispar come to enlist strong fighters help the Freehold expand or defend its territory.  

Spots to Visit

  • The Acorn Inn- Passersby are rare in Popoki Village but the Acorn Inn is open to those few who do visit. The Inn is owned by Karsta and his wife Bronwyn. There are three lodging rooms and a wash room on the second floor. The first floor holds a pub where Kardine acts as waitress and bartender.
  • Elna's Bakery - Home to Elna as well as her bakery. Elna spends most of her days experimenting with new and exciting baked concoctions. The people of Popoki Village often stop by to buy some of Elna's beloved goodies or to bake something themselves.
  • Ol' General Store - The only shop in Popoki. Salvidor, the owner leaves town to stock up every few months on goods the villagers can't make for themselves.


Innkeeper Family
  • Arfyth - Male tabaxi, 22yo, reddish fur, very tall and muscular. Arfyth is the son of Bronwyn and Karsta. He left the village two years ago to help defend against Pascatian raiders.
  • Bronwyn - Female tabaxi, 47yo, brilliant reddish-orange fur, very tall, muscular from maintaining the Inn. Bronwyn is the wife of Karsta and mother to Kardine and Arfyth. She is very energetic and jumps into projects without always thinking them through first.
  • Kardine - Female tabaxi, 19yo, grey fur with red patterning, short and a little overweight. Kardine is the daughter of Karsta and Bronwyn. She inherited her mother's energy. She's also a brilliant chef, though lacking experience.
  • Karsta - Male tabaxi, 45yo, dark grey fur that is starting to whiten in spots, lithe with some muscle. Karsta is the husband of Bronwyn and father of Kardine and Arfyth. Karsta is stoic and often finds it difficult to express his emotions fully. Still, he puts in an effort to show the emotions he thinks he should be feeling.
  • Elna - Female tabaxi, 68yo, pale white fur with grey patterning, more than a little overweight from testing all of her experiments. Elna was the village elder until about five years ago. An expert in both foraging and hunting, she knows where to get all of the best ingredients. She's still seen as the grandmother of the village.
  • Longclaw - Male tabaxi, 24yo. Town stylist
  • Salvidor - Male tabaxi, 32yo, yellowish fur, slight mustache and mane suggests he has some Leonin heritage. Salvidor is the father of four children. He's a bit eccentric and enjoys seeing the world. Salvidor talks about wandering all over the Catfolk Freehold as if he's traveled across oceans, which impresses the locals but gets a few laughs from people farther abroad.
  • Meadowyn - Male tabaxi, 39yo, blackish-grey fur. The current leader of Popoki Village.
  • Belina - Female tabaxi, 37yo, white fur. Village seamstress
Popoki Village Base Map Image


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