Ghispar Geographic Location in Charyba | World Anvil
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Ghispar is a small, walled city in the Catfolk Freehold on the continent of Udarich.  


Ghispar is the largest city in the Catfolk Freehold. It was founded in 3102 by the Tabaxi that fled the Rusha Kingdom.  

Points of Interest

The Oaken Hall

The seat of power in Ghispar. From here, the Catchief rules the Catfolk Freehold. The current Catchief, Urthpaw, is assisted by three Councillors. The current Councillors, appointed by Urthpaw, are Advisor Lemore, Cleric Citrinne, and Librarian Sleet. The Oaken Hall is where the Catchief and her Councillors conduct business of defense, justice, and trade. In the case of a trial, one of the Councillors or the Catchief herself, presides as judge. The judge is decided based on the type of crime.   While most buildings in Ghispar are of a utilitarian design, Oaken Hall the one architecturally beautiful building in the city. The main entrance leads into a foyer before opening up into an audience hall. This hall can be converted into a banquet hall as needed. The Catchief and each of her Councillors have an office within the building.  

Freehold Barracks

A large building north of Oaken Hall, this site houses most of the Freehold soldiers when they are not our on ranger duty or defending/conquering. Zinnia's Platoon are one such group of Freehold soldiers. A stable for horses, giant leopards, and moorbounders is attached to the barracks and owned by the Freehold army. Citizens can purchase or board their mounts here if need be.  

Cat's Paw Inn

One of the two pubs in Ghispar with lodgings. The pub and inn are owned by Jynks Dodi, an older tabaxi. He's a surly old tabaxi but a good cook and keeps the inn tidy so the locals put up with him. Music keeps him in a good mood, though, so he always tries to keep a bard in for a few days to play some of the classics. A night's stay is 4GP without a meal and 6GP with a meal. Rooms are on the second floor. A hatch leads to a basement but Jynks doesn't allow anyone but himself to enter.  

Zurtar's Rest

An inn in the north of Ghispar, built into one of the city's walls. Zurtar's Rest is a larger and cheaper inn than the Cat's Paw but without the its comforts. The owner, a tabaxi named Rajinn, is desparate to please. He tends to get a little overwhelmed after overpromising.   The inn is named for a folk hero. Zurtar was a dwarvish hero who worshipped Gorthag and fought in his name many years ago according to legend.  

Gareti's Arms and Armor

An armor and weaponsmith owned by Gareti, a burly female dwarf in her 30s. She has made a name for herself as a master of her craft. The shop is filled with her weapons, some of which she has had enchanted to increase their potency. Several other smiths work under her tutelage.   The Freehold often commisions Gareti's for new weapons and armor for its rangers and soldiers.  

Things You'll Need

& Snaks   A general store and lunch deli. The general store has been around almost as long as Ghispar has been and is currently run by Timora Ven and her son Nils. Both aarokocra, Timora is a confident barterer and businesswoman while Nils has a long way to come. Almost out of his teens, Nils often finds himself getting the prices wrong or bullied into giving stock away for almost nothing. The shop contains most of the average materials an adventurer would need (Equipment on DnDBeyond).   Recently, a tabaxi orphan about the same age as Nils, named Frieda has set up a stall to sell sandwiches, soups, and other lunch meals. She's pretty good at making food, even if her recipes are a little unusual, but doesn't really understand proper food safety storage so her stall can be a bit risky on days she doesn't make her food. Timora has tried to shoo her away several times but Frieda always sets up again. Customers have become fond of Frieda, and her food on the right days, so Timora has instead decided to take Frieda under her wing, and teach her proper food safety.  


A bookshop owned by Niamina Whitepaw, a tabaxi woman with rather distinct red and black fur patterning except on her right paw which is bone white. Niamina acts motherly to all of her patrons, calling them dearie and busying over each of them. She sells various books, low level spell scrolls, and paper for inscribing spells.   For customers that Niamina truly trusts, there is a secret shop set up in her back room. Here, she sells all kinds of powerful magical items and offers magical assistance for a price. Rumor has it, she'll offer a decent discount for anyone willing to take on a particular job.  

The Summoning Scroll

An enchanting shop owned by Clive Shaw, a male human arcanist in his 30s. The Summoning Scroll offers simple magical items and enchantments. Clive took over the shop when Advisor Lemore took up his role as councillor. Without Lemore's innate talent, Clive has struggled to generate much in the way of arcane magical inventory. Instead, he has been selling druidic talismans. He worries that it isn't long before the Summoning Scroll goes under, especially after Whitepaw's moved in and began selling arcane magics.   Clive's one area of unique expertise is his ability as a tattoo artist. He has taken this up as a side job to help subsidize the magic shop. For the right cost, he can even enchant the tattoos to give abilities.  

Trimmed to Perfection

A barbershop and salon owned by a tabaxi couple named Kara and Robin. They've traveled Udarich perfecting their skills and are adept at styling any kind of fur or hair. They settled down in Ghispar following a rough trip to the Ribahrn Territory.


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