Raziel Building / Landmark in Charyba | World Anvil
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The Raziel is an immense ship commissioned by King Hespiro. This ship, constructed on the continent of Gadorr and outfitted with a special magical engine at the Varda Shiphaven, was built for the sole purpose of hosting Hespiro's summit with the other Udarich leaders.  


The Raziel was built quickly in the year 3204. After the ship was built in Gadorr, it was sailed to the Varda Shiphaven. Hespiro himself oversaw the final outfitting. Only those with his greatest trust were allowed to work on the project.   When the time came for Hespiro to speak with the other leaders on Udarich, he asked that they all join him on the Raziel's maiden voyage. During this event, the Raziel was sabotaged by a vargar thief named Windtooth. An device was detonated that dealt, not only explosive damage, but resulted in displacement of the passengers. Hespiro guided as many passengers to their rooms where they whisked to freedom. The ship crashed into the Tsavinian Mountains.  


The design of the magical engines that pilot the ship have been kept top secret.   The ship has three decks. Lowest is the maintenance deck. This is where the magical engines are kept behind locked doors. This is also where staff have their living quarters. Massive kitchens are kept on this deck.   The next deck up contains guest quarters. At the prow-end of the ship, there is an enormous ballroom. A swimming pool can be found in the middle alongside the guest rooms.   The top deck is the bridge.
Vehicle, Ship


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