King Hespiro Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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King Hespiro (heh-SPEE-roh)

Hespiro is the current Leonin King of Rusha on the continent of Udarich. He is a renowned fighter and tactician. Hespiro wields the ancestral blade Lightclaw even after it was broken at the hilt.  

Current History

After his coronation, Hespiro left the Rusha Kingdom to fight the Ribahrn Territory. The new king was thrown into the Ribahrn River and lost. What happened to him during this time is unknown, though records state he was able to hone psychic abilities previously dorment.   Upon his return, Hespiro began to plan. He sent a message to all of the various territory leaders upon his return. Hespiro summoned them to a summit to discuss the unification of Udarich. Anyone who did not join would conquered by force. The Leonin King commissioned an advanced flying ship, the Raziel, from the continent of Gadorr to host the summit in. At this summit, he announced his plan to unite Udarich under his own rule, by force if necessary. When the ship was sabotaged, he alerted everyone that they would be safe in their cabins. When Petrichor was nearly thrown from the Raziel by the saboteur, Windtooth, Hespiro saved them and offered his escape plan to them.   Hespiro was unable to escape with Petrichor and her friends but managed to survive the crash and return to the Rusha Kingdom. With diplomacy having failed, he launched a campaign of conquest starting with Ribahrn. He scattered the Fell Tribe and the Brightfur Tribe, carving a northeasterly route to the Stalwart Bridge. Though savage in battle, he commanded all of his troops to treat all who surrendered fairly. Hespiro himself cares for the Fell Tribe leader. Hespiro's attempt to cross the bridge was halted by Church of Gorthag forces. During this time, he was accidentally contacted by The Big HELP via a golden dial looted from gnolls. Hespiro recognized Larka's abilities and urged her to see him, eager to meet another gifted with psionic abilities.   With his march halted at the Stalwart Bridge, Hespiro ordered an attack on Pascatia from the sea. The Pascatians, blinded by their rage against the Catfolk Freehold, were caught unaware and failed to mount any form of resistance.  


Hespiro is a serious individual, intense without much of a sense of humor. Despite this, he is noble and caring for the people under his protection. He has always had a sharp hatred of those who would abuse their power. Hespiro's love of fighting is almost as renowned as his skill at fighting.   Since his return, those close to Hespiro have noted a change in his personality. He has become more pensive and seems to restrain his desire for large-scale warring. Hespiro has also started showing a deep distrust of some magic users, though this is not something he has openly commented on.
Character Portrait image: Hespiro
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