Grung Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Grung are exclusively located on the False-Life Isles. The Isles are covered in a strange composite that has been linked to the Grung themselves. Each isle is part of a different tribe of Grung, but they all swear fealty to Ti'li'ki, Golden as Dawn, who has always led the Grung.  


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Grung poisons are commonly used in assassinations. Grung poisons do not keep well, and quickly reduce to a gummy substance with very limited effectiveness. This residue, however, is commonly left at assassinations to lead a false trail. 
Grung are hostile to outsiders.  Grung welcome outsiders as long as their visitors respect them. Only when visitors try to take their composite or disrespect their culture do things get violent. 
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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