Hazodee Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Hazodee have made themselves most at home in the Great Jungle of Gerule. There, they have created treetop cities that go largely missed and ignored by the orcs and gnomes warring below. They can find all that they need high in the trees, and have little want for resources.  


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Hazodee are the most reclusive of the Biethtìre. Hazodee culture is not vhat many would consider reclusive. They are very social with each other and have strong relationships. They simply have little reason to venture below their cities, especially when there is a war being fought below.
The Hazodee have high expectations of outsiders.  The Hazodee rarely descend, and this idea largely springs forth from the fact that if anyone ascends to their cities, they are welcoming. They are truly welcoming to all visitors, so long as the visitors take the first step. 
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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