CbN005: Looks back at you

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Pew Pew
  The Coterie fought the zombies, rats and Brother Kanker; the mysterious vampire ended up using a strange discipline on Clementine and Maude. His arms turned black, and when he touched their faces they suffer intense paint, their eyes turning deep black and they became blind.   They destroyed the zombies and rats, alone, Kanker thought better and ran away. Grates under him opened up, and he sank into the viscous vile.   After the fight, Chad left suddenly. "You've got this~". Obviously he was delegating the work to other people, and the fact that he got to get out of the dirty, human flesh accented, soul wrenching, Sabbat magic infested, ritualistic sewer was just a coincidence.   They decided to investigate the place. Maude and Liliana looked in the piles of waste. They found a book, the cover was made of human skin and it had an eye attached.   Maude, blinded by their confrontation with Kanker, tried to look into the book using her auspex powers of See the Unseen. They found themselves in ulterior darkness, and they looked. Something, deep into the darkness, nay the darkness itself, turned slowly it's gaze grazing over Maude. Maude screamed, as the the psychic feedback kicked them out of the vision, they vomited murky lake water as they recoiled. They felt their access to their discipline snap. At this, the eye on the cover of the book melted away in black liquid.   Mary looked around seeing some patterns on the wall, but couldn't follow up.   Maude thought it was prudent to lock the sewer gates leading down.   Maude and Clementine were pretty harmed and blinded, they had trouble trying to get to safety. Kim offered her blood to Maude, Clementine went to her ghoul's home.  

Next night.

  Lilliana met Rosa Hernandez , primogen of the Gangrel. They asked her on her embrace, Liliana lost control getting animal features. The Primogen told Lilliana that all that mattered was an incoming conflict with the Garou (Werewolves) and that she needed the gangrel. She mentioned how "Gangrels are few, most of them fled to the Anarchs" she fears how the prince might try to completely cut off the clan from the camarilla.   They carefully opened the book, at which point Liliana was able to understand what its first page said.   The Book of Nod according to Aristotle De Laurent The Holy Fathers, Harringers of the Seven Fires.

Rewards Granted

  • Book of Nod
  • Report Date
    31 Oct 2022