Session Logs

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  • 2022

    29 /8

    Session 0

    Players gather to go through Session 0

  • 2022

    23 /9

    Session 01

    The Coterie cleaned up the Church of St.Boniface, finding Liliana within a "shovelhead" pit.

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  • 2022

    24 /9

    Session 02

    The Coterie arrives at the Blue Velvet , what dangers await them?

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  • 2022

    3 /10

    Session 03

    The Coterie are presented at the Blue Velvet, they find more secrets about the society they've landed on and experience their first bout of Social Combat.

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  • 2022

    17 /10

    Session 04

    The Coterie shares what they found at the party and make plans for the future.

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  • 2022

    24 /10

    Session 05 - The Third Fire

    The Coterie goes into the sewers to find an end to their decease.

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  • 2022

    31 /10

    Session 06 - It Looks Back At You

    The Coterie deals with the consequences of the sewer fight, regrouping. They discuss what to do with the book they found and next steps.

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  • 2022

    7 /11

    Session 07 - I'm Yours

    The Coterie goes to the Nine Hells, to talk with Camilo "Gooey" Dias and get their license and ... his... necktie?

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  • 2022

    14 /11

    Session 08 - Heads of a Hydra

    The Coterie debriefs on the things that have happened and realize the consequences of their actions.

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  • 2022

    12 /12

    Session 09 - The Price of Knowledge

    The Coterie meets up with Alan, Naomi and Marcel to clear some doubts.

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  • 2023

    9 /1

    Session 10 - Interloops

    The Coterie meets with a powerful Lasombra vampire and protect the book from being taken away.

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  • 2023

    16 /1

    Session 011 - Into The Night

    The party gives their message to the prince, now they're in the tick of it; before they can talk about it, and offer for a bloody party lands on their step.

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  • 2023

    6 /2

    Session 12 - Disco Non Elysium

    Disco isn't dead instead it turns out that it just got small.

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  • 2023

    13 /2

    Session 13 - Pave the Way

    The party gets a mission to welcome in delegates into the city. There's a group of 3 that will make their life difficult, and they're advised to make them stop.

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  • 2023

    20 /2

    Session 14: New Blood Comes

    The Coterie makes its way to O'Hare, to make sure Flyboy doesn't tries anything wrong and pick up the delegates the following night.

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  • 2023

    27 /2

    Session 15 - Be Our Guests

    The Coterie welcomes two delegates to their Haven, what's the worse that could happen?

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  • 2023

    6 /3

    Session 16 - Daywalkers

    A slice of life as mortal kin, how squishy are mortal shells?

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  • 2023

    13 /3

    Session 17 - Elysium Not Disco

    At Elysium, the Coterie deals with the fallout of Sierra claiming the lasombra want to join. A lot happens behind the curtains, and a spark marks the beggining.

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  • 2023

    17 /3

    Session 18 - Shadow Hunt

    The Lost Boys leave the succubus Club in flames, as they head out in their hunt for salvation.

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  • 2023

    20 /3

    Session 19 - The Vote

    September 4th, 2017
    The vampires of Chicago gather to discuss the fate of the Lasombra.   CbN019: The Vote

    More reading
    CbN019: The Vote
  • 2023

    23 /3

    Session 20 - Decompression

    The Lost Boys take a moment to regroup, after an intense month.

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  • 2023

    24 /4

    Session 21 - Big Bad Wolf Lake

    The Lost Boys go to Wolf lake on rumours of a animal attack that reaks of supernatural.

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  • 2023

    1 /5

    Session 22 - The Plight of the Nosferati

    The Lost Boys meet with Wauneka about making friends among the nosferatu.

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  • 2023

    8 /5

    Session 23 - In Deep

    October 8th, 2017
    The Lost Boys search the depths of the Labyrinth, a Call is made.

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  • 2023

    12 /5

    Session 24 - As the Seers gather

    Malkavians gather, chaos ensues. Cute talks and revolution.

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  • 2023

    19 /5

    Session 25 - Heavy Truths

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  • 2023

    29 /5

    Session 26 - The Grand Cardinal Casino Heist

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  • 2023

    5 /6

    Session 27 - Deep Velvet

    The Lost Boys go to the Backgrounds, deep within the Deep Velvet and discover secrets long left untouched.

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