CbN006: I'm yours

General Summary

Previous Session | Sessions Timeline |CbN008: Like heads of a Hydra    March 12th, 2017   Down in the Crypt, our Coterie plots.   After getting a message Maude's eyes lose focus, they stand up and leave the group. Book forgotten.   Who we can ask about the book? Marcel? The Warlocks? Jason?  

License to Kill

  Before they jumped in they researched on Camilo "Gooey" Dias.   They found out the following:           They check with Marcel, how much can you mess with people's assets in the Camarilla? The answer is, is rude, and if they find out there are consequences.
      They also know if they can offer the man money, it would make it easy to bend him to their will.
They make a plan, they have carrots, sticks, and defined boundaries of where not to step.
With these in hand, they headed out to talk to the man.  

El Noveno - Nine Hells

The Nine Hells is a small seedy bar full of smoke and Mexican music. The group is absolutely out of place the moment they step in, everyone in the cramped space turning towards them. There is one bartender, who squints angry eyes at the group, and Camilo "Gooey" Dias along with 3 of his goons sitting in the booth farthest from the door, drinking tequila and smoking cigars. There's some manila envelops on the table.   Clem reaches for the bar, ordering the gangsters a perfect mezcal bottle, ready to negotiate.   The Coterie stepped in with a plan, talk to the man, get the license, don't ruffle any feathers; but then Chad happened.  
"Let's cut to the chase; look at you, you want me, I want you to want me; stop pretending. Walk, out, now." - Chad
  Chad had cut straight through the bar, his vampire instincts at full drive. He reached across Gooey's table, held him by the necktie and pulled him close to his face.   "Who... are you?" - Gooey's attempt to place the group in their place break into pieces become more adoration. He drools, barely able to speak, his eyes became foggy and he half stands up; but even then, he tries to resist. Bad idea.   Liliana jumps on the bar, and starts struggling with the bartender, trying to serve herself and the group drinks in an intimidating matter. Kim distracts the bartender, telling him of his great collection of alcohol. The chaos breaks the bartender, who remains just looking at his stock and ignoring the "fight" happening.   Clementine remains cold, drops down glasses of tequila on the table to the other three goons. "See? No issue here. Sit down."   Mary spends some time hacking Gooey's phone, creating a backdoor for future access to it.   "You won't be needing this... " Chad says as he pulls Gooey out from the booth, and takes off his necktie. "Come on now, follow." Chad just starts walking out, expecting the Kine to follow, which they do.   "That's enough." Says Clem to the rest of the goons, who all sit down, baffled.   "Chad" says Mary.   "Hmm..? Oh, this?" Chad throws the necktie at Mary.   The group walks out with everything they wanted, in absolutely not the way they expected.
Report Date
14 Nov 2022