CbN008: Like heads of a Hydra

General Summary

CbN007: I'm yours | Sessions Timeline | CbN009: The Price Of Knowledge   

March 12th, 2017


How does that makes you feel?

Maude went in for a session with Jason "Son" Newberry, their brain made them skip most of it, but they caught the very end of the session as Jason told them they should be careful, monsters are out there to get them as a Coterie, they should come to him for help. As their session ended Alexa Santos came in for a session themselves; they wink at Maude and put a finger to their lips.   "Jason, there's an emergency. We must talk."   Jason stood up for a moment, which allowed Maude to look around. The part of their blood that was connected to the unseen itched at the back of their head, raw with demand to be fed vitae. They turned at the mirror, with the intention of opening their third eye but what greeted them was not their reflection but Eloide's.   They stood there, mimicking Maude for a moment, before their eyes darted down to the desk. In the reflection in the mirror, a letter sat on the coffee table; a letter Maude distinctively remember not seeing there. Maude looked down to the coffee table, and indeed there was nothing there; but they reached out regardless. Their fingers felt around something, and suddenly a letter folded in three appear in front of them. The quickly darted their eyes reading the content, which read:  
You're to behave yourself and follow the protocol, your interception of the night clan's fledgling did not go amiss. This new group is approved by me, they have an assigned guardian, and I have my uses for them. Back off.   Consider this your one and only warning Newberry; we have a deal. You get to keep your little "new" pet, when you know full well they were meant for final death after what they did to the other black spiked hairy puppy you picked up. Stay in line or I will bring your secrets to the light.   -K
  Maude heard Jason coming back, they quickly let go of the letter, which thankfully became invisible again.   Before they left, they asked Jason if the Prince's blanket forgiving of sins meant Eloide could come back. To which Jason said "It does... but Maude, you need to let go. You need to accept Eloide is gone, for your own good. For your own peace of mind."   They left then, with a lot on their mind.  

Finding Jesus

  Mary went back to the backyard to set up the necktie and complete her quest.   She dug up in a grave marked x, inside there was a box with a machine, with vacuum tubes, dialers, and radiator with a tube that went up the gravestone to place holy water in. Flipping the necktie, she saw that the backside had a copper fire running at its length and ending with a triangular metal piece; looking down at the machine she noticed a slot where the triangular piece would fit as well as where the wire could connect to the machine. She connected them and the machine came alive for a moment but quickly overheated.   "What?! Why? Why is there a machine buried in our backyard? Who put it there?
For what?! How come Gooey had a necktie that worked with it? Who gave him that? What is it doing now? What are you doing?"
  "We need holy water."   WHY?!   The Coterie set off to collect holy water, they went to churches all over town.   Clementine and Lilliana teamed up, they headed out to a church. The pastor asked him what they were doing there.  
"We're just seeking Jesus."
  They gathered back in the backyard:  
  • Clementine had a bottle of tequila of holy water
  • Lilliana had a green watering can with a yellow flower of holy water
  • Maude had a drinking flask of holy water
  • Kim had milk plastic bottle of holy water
  • They fed the water to the machine and it started purring softly and continuously. Happy Mary closed the lid.   "Okay but what are you trying to do?"  
    "Oh, just setting up the Cobweb"

    March 13th, 2017

    Chad spent the night with newfound pet Gooey and then went to talk to Leonardo "Lenny" Gala about it. Lenny told him that Chad needed to make sure to fix the issue. Whatever happens, it cannot lead back to the Capone gang, the praxis must not know we were involved.   Kim informed them that Gooey was broken, mentally suffering for a full catatonic break down. It would take the man months to recover, if he ever could.   The team, realizing how deep the issue was, made plans to replace the position with another human, and hope the Seneschal's wrath was not an issue, that their Shadow who knew they asked about assets the night before didn't connect dots, that the new kine was as effective at getting them their license, and that the Sinaloa cartel didn't somehow get involved; oh and all that while at the same time ensuring that no one finds out the Capone gang was involved.   One issue down, four more new ones to deal with.  
    -The Cobweb Machine
      "It works!!!"   They had fed the machine holy water, and it purred happily underneath the ground, barely noticeable to anyone but someone with their ears to the ground above it. Green roots were sprouting from the tube leading down into the ground, fascinated Mary noticed how the thickest part of them where turning into rubbery cables.   Whatever this was, it had a clear popurse. Whatever it was doing, it was working. And whatever is was going to let them do, they'll be able to do it. All the machine needed now was patience, love, holy water and no one ripping it out of the ground in rage because they didn't understand what the fuck is wrong with Malkavians.   "It's going to be great!!"
    Report Date
    16 Nov 2022