Eleanor Atlas Character in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Eleanor Atlas

Eleanor Atlas is a human woman and a Night Hunter of The Order of the Order of the New Dawn. She is a gifted Arcanist and expert swordsman. Eleanor comes from the noble Atlas family; one of the wealthiest families in the Alliance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life
Eleanor was born in the Atlas manor, on the outskirts of Vanbury. She lived a luxurious but sheltered life, with servants tending to her every need. From a young age, Eleanor dreamt about exploring the world and going on adventures, much to the dismay of her mother and nannies. Unfortunately, the only glimpses of adventure she got came from stories, books and the occasional trip to Vanbury with her parents.   When she was 13 years old, a friend of her father arrived at the manor: Amzi, a fencing instructor, here to show the young boys what real swordmanship looked like. From her bedroom window, she had often seen her brothers and nephews training with swords, but it had always looked clunky and unrefined. This instructor, however, moved with such ease and elegance. From that moment on, her fascination with the sword started.   Of course, her parents would have none of it, as it was unladylike. She would have to watch Amzi instruct the boys from her bedroom window, while she learned about sewing and stitching. In her free time, she would often sneak out of the house to play with her brothers and nephews; insisting on playing with their wooden swords. Day by day, she would pay close attention to the instructors teachings from her bedroom window, and try to imitate him in the afternoon with the wooden swords.   As it turns out, Eleanor appears to be quite the talented fencer; easily beating her older brothers and nephews within a few months of 'practice'. She wanted more of a challenge, and begged her father to be included in the official training sessions by Amzi. Her father refused, as he deemed it too dangerous and unlady-like.   Eleanor, now 14, proposed a deal: if she could beat Amzi in a duel, he should let her join training. Reluctantly, her father agreed. It was not a close match, and despite fighting for her life, Eleanor lost the duel. Amzi, however, was impressed by Eleanor's abilities and pleaded with her father to let her be included. He had never seen someone with so much potential and promised her father that she would be safe. Her father could not disagree and let her join Amzi's training.  
Eleanor realizes she has Arcane abilities
Eleanor quickly outgrew the boys in her age-range, and after a few months, she started receiving private training from Amzi. He is impressed by her skills, but something seems off; her movements are too keen, superhuman almost. Amzi is certain: Eleanor is an Arcanist. He informs her parents, who take the news well after an initial shock; perhaps even too well.   As one of the only daughters of house Atlas, Eleanor grew up with people thinking about her as a piece in a complex political game. With her emergent Arcane abilities, however, she suddenly become a much more valuable piece; a game changer. While her parents were proud and happy with this new investment, Eleanor was not. She did not want to marry another noble to strenghten the family ties or to increase revenue for the Atlas Company. She wanted to be a swordsman or adventurer; to travel the world and improve her skill.   In the next 3-4 years, Eleanor is the subject of her parent's ambition. She is forced to go to balls, dinners and other social events to network with the policians and other nobles. A few times, her father and mother had proposed to marry her off to a 'suitable partner'; meaning a potential business associates or nobility higher up in the hierarchy than house Atlas. Every time, Eleanor would purposefully sabotage these meetings by acting in various forms of unladylike behaviour. Meanwhile, she kept training with Amzi, improving her skill with the sword.   A few days before her 18th birthday, and after another failed attempt at match-making, Eleanor's father has had enough. He wants Eleanor to focus on finding a suitable partner and not on her 'frivolous hobbies', and thus relieves Amzi from his duties as a sword instructor. The next potential husband for Eleanor would be an important one, and one that she could not dismiss as easily.  
Eleanor joins the Order
In a final act of rebellion and with nothing left to lose, Eleanor runs away from the Atlas manor to join the Order of the New Dawn. Of course, the Order already knew about Eleanor and her Arcane abilities, as they had begged her parents to join their Order when they first discovered her powers. With little hesitation, they therefore accept her into the Order. Her training to become a Night Hunter would now begin.


Nym Lyari


Towards Eleanor Atlas


Eleanor Atlas


Towards Nym Lyari


Eleanor Atlas


Towards Ainar Ranvirson


Ainar Ranvirson


Towards Eleanor Atlas


Family tree

Current Location
Year of Birth
1096 18 Years old
Light blue
Long, wavy, light blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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