Oliver Morgan Character in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Oliver Morgan

Oliver Morgan is an arcanist and a captain of the Night Hunters in The Order. Unlike most Night Hunters, Oliver was raised in the underground of Vanbury, where he witnessed the destruction and oppression of the Order first-hand. His aim is to secretly destroy the Order from the inside out, working closely with the Rebels. His intense hatred and wrath will eventually become his downfall.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Oliver was born in Emerside, a rough neighbourhood of Vanbury, in 1082. The War had not only destroyed their house and his parent's workshop, but also crippled his father, who was a soldier for the Alliance. To make do, his father worked various jobs while his mother took care of Oliver and his four siblings. Despite his poor upbringing, Oliver had a loving family. Oliver knew he possesed some Arcane abilities, but never showed these off to anyone.  

Death of his Family

In 1098, Oliver witnessed the murder of his father when he was 12 years old. His father had owed money to the wrong people and was unable to repay it. A group of thugs broke into their home, killed his father and took whatever they could get. As his mother was unable to provide for all five family members, Oliver decided to report the attack to the authorities. He pleaded his case before the Order of the New Dawn, who sent 2 Night Hunters to investigate the matter. One of the killers, however, turned out to be a member of the Order. Both Night Hunters left the crime scene, refusing to look into it any deeper. Oliver followed them and found them in a local inn later that evening. He used his weak arcane abilities to eavesdrop on the two hunters. They were discussing amongst themselves on how they should solve the issue, and decided to 'get rid of the loose threads'. The Night Hunters, trained users of the Arcane, climbed onto the nearest building and jumped over the roofs towards the Morgans house. Oliver, still unsure of what he had heard, headed back home as well, only to see it in flames. The Night Hunters had killed his mother and his four brothers and sisters, and had lit their house on fire. What they did not know, is that they let one loose thread live.  


Oliver spend 5 years living on the streets of Vanbury, making ends meet by taking on jobs wherever he could, often in illegal settings. It was during this period in his life that he first came in contact with Spencer Byers, who took him in. Through Spencer, Oliver learned about the Rebels and quickly grew sympathetic to their cause. These rebels were a small, disorganised group of people who disliked the corruption in the Order and the Alliance, often victims of said corruption.  

Getting Caught

Oliver had always kept his Arcane abilities secret, but he had learn to use them during his jobs, which made them a lot easier. During one of these jobs job, a heist on a wealthy, corrupt businessman, Oliver was caught escaping the compound by a patrolling Night Hunter. Upon questioning, Oliver lied about the organized heist, saying that he was 'just trying to make ends meet as a poor Vanbury citizen'. The Night Hunter believed him, and instead of turning him in, he asked Oliver to join the Order. He had seen Oliver use his Arcane abilities and wanted him to learn how to control them.  

Time at the Order

Oliver joined the order in 1103, at age 17.


Verona Farley


Towards Oliver Morgan


Oliver Morgan


Towards Verona Farley


Sarcan Aendomir


Towards Oliver Morgan


Oliver Morgan


Towards Sarcan Aendomir


Year of Birth
1086 28 Years old
Sleek, medium-long, dirty-blonde with a trimmed beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, white skin.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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