Lustris Geographic Location in Chrollust | World Anvil
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Across the dark waters widely known as ''The Abyssal Sea'', lays a continent so large, it's exact size is hard to establish. The contintent of which I speak is called Lustris! Lustris goes by different names, the ancient civilizations which live here, refer to it as Lusturum, others might simply call it ''The lands of magic'', and for good reason! The weave seems to portrude from every crack and fissure. It's abundance is so enormous, that even the archwizards which reside here, cannot grasp the extend of the potential these lands hold. Furthermore; the influence of magic can be felt each and every day. The magic here, constantly changes the perception of space and time. Of course, arcanists and druids are constantly travelling the lands to stabilize the weave in an effort to minimize these effects.


Mountains and Hills

There are mountains scattered throughout the outer sections of lustris. Each of these mountains is home to different creatures and have distinct features. Some rumour that these mountains offer passageway to different sections of the Feywild and the Elemental chaos!  

Northern Mountains

The Northern mountains are home to some of the highest mountain tops in chrollust. At the base of these mountains lays a barren wasteland filled with geisers and toxic fumes. Few dare roam these lands, but those who do rarely return.  

Eastern Mountains:

The Eastern mountains are home to many of the rarest birds of lustris! The forest, high trees, and many cliffs, make it very inaccesible for civilizations to settle, consequently nature is free to naturally develop.  

Western Mountains

The Western mountains are the smallest, nonetheless people avoid this area. Mostly druids and arcanists reside here, doing research. It seems that the gaps or skips between space and time seem most prominent here. Here, the arcanist Thram Macalaï was lost. Arcanist report that he has been trying to return for fifty years now...  


The many grasslands of Lustris are quite a sight to behold. Nearly endless seas of different shades of green cover the vast majority of Lustris' body. The grass here seems to shimmer a bit, much like the sea does. Many different flowers, bushes, shrubs and plants are scattered throughout the grasslands. Eventhough the grasslands are beautiful, you should always be wary! It is easy to get lost when everything looks the same, especially when space and time seem to constantly change!   The grasslands are littered with different kinds of wildlife, fey creatures and incursions from the Elemental Chaos! This makes it even more exciting to venture out and see what the world has to offer, but be warned... it is easy to get more than you bargained for!  


The forests of Lustris vary a lot, but they have one thing in common; they are never quite safe. Atleast, for the common folk that is! The forests can be vast in size, and hospitable to many different beasts. Due to the fact that the forests of Lustris are hard to navigate, ill-intented wizards and arcanists reside deep within forests to conduct heinous experiments on local wildlife.   It is also common for most forests to be quite dense. The magical nature of Lustris compells nature to develop much like it would in the Feywild. This means many plants or flowers seem either much larger than they should be, or quite vivid in colour. Trees and plants cannot speak, but some sections of the wood seem to be able to communicate in one way or another. A sick forest might sense the good intentions of adventurers and give certain hint as how to aid it. However, a forest full of hungry animals might choose to fool the players, and lead them into an ambush. The forests act like gaurdians for their native inhabitants and will care for them accordingly.  

Crystal lakes

Besides puddles and small rivers, there are larger bodies of water, which are commonly referred to as crystal lakes. There are a total of 4 crystal lakes. Two smaller ones, one medium lake, and one big lake. The lakes seem to light up at night, due to the abundance of crystals at the bottom of the lake. Druids and local cultures protect these crystals in order to preserve the lake and it's beauty.

Localized Phenomena

Time divergencies

Time divergencies happen throughout Lustris. Why, or how this happens in unclear, hence druids and arcanists work together in an effort to unveil the secrets of Lustris, and find out what causes these anomalies. They have managed to find ways to temporarily stabilize sections, such as cities or encampments.   To the common folk the exact ins and outs about time divergencies are quite unknown, they know that the wild is unsafe and that time might flow slightly diffently. If adventurers care to know more about this phenomenon, most libraries distribute information, as well as druids, mages and arcanists.

Notable citations

Many have travelled, some have discovered, few have learned...   Here follow notable citations by the arcanist Halphrin Throp and druid Makeala Oel.

''Astral Clock''

''We've established that astral clocks are uninfluenced by the space and time gaps which naturally occur whithin Lustris. Always keep one on you so you know whether you are tardy, sharp, or on time.'' by Halphrin Throp
Alternative Name(s)
The Far Away, Lands of Magic, Lusturum, Mystra's Garden
Location under


''It's quite logical when you think about it, but use ALL your senses to survive! Most adventurers try to rely on their sight, but there is so much more! Smell, hear, touch, taste! Utilize every sence you have, because the wild does so too!'' by Makeala Oel


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