A Master's Tears

If you are a Master Craftsman (that is to say, a craftsman who owns a master-level workshop), you have the ability to channel your will and intent into the items you craft, giving them your stories and inheriting your goals for it. Echoes and Notes are particularly receptive to this, and may manifest additional properties as a result of it.    When crafting an Echo or Note and attempting to grant it your own Resonance properties, the DC automatically becomes 25 no matter what the item normally is, and you must spend ten Chromatite matching the item's rarity each time you make an attempt. It is no simple feat to shape a magic item with your will alone.   On a success, you successfully craft an Echo or Note with Resonance properties with the following constraints:  


This should reflect your creature type or the type most commonly associated with your character's crafting techniques. For example, a dragon that uses the techniques of giants to forge magic items may use either the "Dragon" or "Giant" creator property.  


Choose one property.  

Minor Property

Roll a d20 and consult the Minor Properties table for your result. Magic is a fickle, capricious thing, and it decides how it wishes to manifest once bound to an item. You are free to adjust the flavor of the property as you see fit, so long as the mechanical traits are unchanged.   


For the same reason above, roll a 2d12 and consult the Quirks table. Choose your preferred option between your two results. If both rolls are identical, reroll one of the dice until you get a different option.


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