
Dragons in Chromanexus are a long and storied species, as they should be. By many accounts, they were integral in the structuring of the Material Plane, helping sing it into existence from the wild streams of essence that compose the Primordial Chaos. Consequently, dragons and their kin are somewhat of a rarity outside these realms when compared to, say, the Astral folk in and around the Astral Seas. Still, even with this constraint, they are a wide and varied people with a deep and rich culture waiting to be explored.   All dragonkin are at least familiar with the infamous Greatwyrms, though to what extent varies by culture and relationship. Whether they care about this relationship is subject to debate.  

Dragonborn (DDB)

For a long time, gem-based dragonborn were seen as cultural oddities, mutations, or omens of divine portent. However, ever since the return of the gem dragons, it's been proven they were simply descendants of a long forgotten line of true dragons that had since vanished from the realms.  

Echoborn (Custom - Wraith)

A curious sort of dragonkin who emerged somewhat recently with the re-appearance of gem dragons throughout Chromanexus. These creatures are living manifestations of Dragonsong, giving them curious magical abilities other dragonkin lack without training. While they are most common in Realmspace, they are not unheard of in the Astral Seas and are often kept around as mascots. Not necessarily because they're lucky or anything. They're just kind of cute.   Also bite-sized.   An Echoborn shares a number of physical qualities with the purported features of a tarrasque, but on a much smaller scale. Most Echoborn never grow any larger than a mid-sized dog, though they are no less decorated in various spines, frills, and horns. These particular traits are unique to each Echoborn, and is one of the primary methods they use to tell the difference between one another. Aside from this, an Echoborn always features matte-black scales touched with neon accents in their eyes and scales that glow ever-so-slightly in darkness, should the Echoborn choose not to suppress it. The color is representative of the Echoborn's current emotions, defaulting to a vibrant electric blue when calm.  
  • Creature Type. You are a humanoid. You have an assortment of horns, spines, and frills, as well as eyes and scales that glow with a faint neon color in darkness. This glow is not enough to illuminate anything, and you can suppress it as a bonus action on your turn. The glow remains suppressed until you choose to end it.
  • Ability Score Increase. Echoborn are surprisingly hardy creatures for their size and stature. Increase your Constitution score by 2.
  • Age. Echoborn are born in large clutches of 12 - 15 eggs (where the eggs come from is anybody's guess) before aging rapidly over the course of 3 years, and are considered adults by the age of 4. While none have lived long enough to confirm this, ongoing studies suggest the typical Echoborn's lifespan may be upwards of 300 years.
  • Size. You are Small. A typical Echoborn measures between 2'6" and 3'2".
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Resonating Magic. Your soul is intrinsically bonded with the Dragonsong, a bond that manifests as peculiar magical abilities throughout the Echoborn's lifetime. You gain the Eldritch Adept feat.
  • Darkvision. You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet. When relying on your darkvision, you perceive the world in shades of blue and violet.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.

Kobold (DDB)

A surprising number of kobolds in Chromanexus have started to organize and gather in ways separate from their predisposed tendency to gather in the lairs of dragons. One could argue they haven't really changed anything, just who they're gathering under, but there are an increasing number of kobolds stepping up and cutting themselves away from the mold and most of them, in some capacity, owe it to one particularly outlandish kobold they call Rook. That said, as kobolds are kobolds, there's lots of debate in other realms about whether Rook actually exists or not.  

Lizardfolk (DDB)

The lizardfolk of Chromatia often look cold and brutish from the outside looking in, but these isolationist people are fairly well developed as a society. Having thrown their lot in with the Primal folk of the world, bad experiences with the misconceptions of other cultures has lead them to keep to themselves in remote regions of the world.  

Tortle (DDB)

While tortles typically fall in with the idea of their mystical connections to nature and the hazy nature of their creation, it is well established (at least in Chromatia) that tortles share a kindred ancestry with dragon turtles. Whether they are descended from or simply developed adjacent to them from a common point of origin, but there is no questioning the close ties between species.


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