Chult Day 28 - CONTINUED - Updating Zanthi
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Day 28 - CONTINUED - Updating Zanthi

14/6 2:00

Main Events

Met with Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour Investigate the Flaming Fist and connections with Pirates Inete continues to have visions Zitembe confirms the death curse is in the jungle to the South • When leaving the temple the party are watched by 3 acolytes and an individual on a roof top, with a bow • The horns of the city sound, Malar's Throat is under attack

Travelled from Malar's Throat to Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewelry, Cloth and Armours palace. Encountered an Awakened flying monkey by the name of Demetrius Ferraro. Demetrius Ferraro mentioned the last Lich he knew of in Chult was Acererak .   Met with Zhanthi in a cushioned audience chamber with a female half-Ogre who Zhanthi implied was her head of personal security.   Zhanthi was eventually please to hear of her son, Shagos' exploits and selfless acts after kind words from Bjorn Lovehammer. She was however displeased that the mission to uncover the truth around the suspicions of The Flaming Fist and local pirates being connected. The party were pressed to find answers quickly, and were rewarded with 25pp each for the saving of Shago.   Then travelled to the Temple of Savras . Inete continues to have visions of red robed figures around The Adani Basin. Also in a room with bleeding walls that feels like it is moving or shifting in some way. In the room with the Red robed figures is a being that morphs between beauty and monstrous.   Managed to speak with Zitembe after being forced to make a donation. He was found to be suffering from the death curse.   Through communing with Savros he confirmed the source of the death curse is in the jungle to the south.   Shared the following visions: A lost city, surrounded by cliffs and covered in writhing snakes. The city is to south of the jungle a sunken city surrounded by cliffs with a waterfall crashing into it. His vision was drawn to and alien black obelisk draped in vines.   A giant snake with dark purple scales and yellow eyes of evil intellect. An abomination hundreds of feet in length. Research uncovered an ancient primordial deity, Den-Da the night serpent who might well be this snake (she is not one of the trickster gods).   Zitembe was not aware of the location of this lost city and suggested answers may be found within the inhabitants of either Mbala or Kir Sabal.   The party asked if Zitembe would attempt to find the location of Lord Brixton of the Company of the Yellow Banner .   Upon leaving the temple three acolytes that had been dismissed were seen watching them and then departing. Also on a roof top was a cloaked and hooded individual with a bow.   At that moment the horns of the city sounded, Malar's Throat was under attack.