Chult Day 28 - CONTINUED - The Guardians of the Throat
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Day 28 - CONTINUED - The Guardians of the Throat

14/6 3:00

Main Events

The Guardians of the GateFight Undead Gorillians!! • Bjorn Lovehammer “adopts” Another ChildThe Guardians of the Gate Visit Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and LoreThe Guardians of the Gate Are Charged With Finding Vorn for Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and Lore (Vorn the Automaton)Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and Lore Knew AumarThe Guardians of the Gate Told to Seek Saja N'baza in MbalaYesne Brightstar Learns Kailyn Tharamor Lied • Wakanga Knows The Ring of Eternal Winter and The Eye of ZaltecWakanga Mentions the Lich AcererakYesne Brightstar Receives Sending

Enter Malars throat, dead body flies over and lands in middle. Out of the side a great lumbering, 4 armed, white fur thing comes out, it’s rotted away – can see bones, skull etc. Two of them, we kill them. Yesne Brightstar uses Lightning Bolt and loves it! Thokeen Luck Leader knows the animals to be Girallons, native to Chult – powerful and aggressive. Small child tries to pick pocket Bjorn Lovehammer, he catches them and then decides to take them to the Temple of Savras to turn them into a ‘good’ person. Gabriel Barragan – bodyguard / hand of Zitembe. He takes the child in after persuasion from Bjorn Lovehammer, child is called Brogan. See Wakanga O'tamu Merchant Prince of Magic and Lore early evening. Arrive at his home. Two 10ft statues at the entrance. Kailyn Tharamor detects they are magical. They are stone Golems, powerful guardians. Walk into the courtyard. Plants are floating, encapsulated by water. Lots of sculptures around also magical (will also be Golems). Floating lights all around. Portal opens in middle of room and we walk through to meet Wakanga O'tamu, he says ‘welcome to my library’. The room is full of books. Yesne Brightstar is happy. She asked who opened the portal. It was Wakanga O'tamu, portals are a passion of his. I show him the book I have and he shows me volume 2. I ask to open it and he says no so I cry and then he lets me see it. A table walks over and I set the book down. Sees a page detailing the layers of the Abyss – and realises he has this floating in his room.   He is aware of the death curse, he agrees Aumar came to visit him, visibly worried (one of the only times he has been worried). He says he last saw him 3 weeks ago, which was after the time we buried him. Aumar wanted to find more information and went in to the jungle to find out more. Aumar wanted to find an ancient savant Saja N'baza. He left for the jungle 3 weeks ago. Recommended he travel to Mbala where there are still native inhabitants. Not heard from him since.   Kailyn Tharamor shows him the map and Yesne Brightstar notices it isn’t actually destroyed. She is mad at Kailyn Tharamor .   Wakanga O'tamu has a 15 year old journal and in it makes note of an autonotom named Vorn, very complex – high magic and gnomish engineering. It is a bit like a Golem but its something that has been made. Is intrinsically linked to it’s owner, protects them through enchantments. Not sure who wrote the journal as too damaged. Also came with a Gem, which is an aid to location but only works when near the vicinity of (1 hex). Was adventuring around Firefinger and the Adani Basin. There is a controlling amulet/bracelet which he doesn’t have. Very sparkly, shiny has gems – this controls Vorn. Has a one off teleport connected to Vorn. When located, it will teleport Vorn back to Wakanga O'tamu . Found the journal in Firefinger. (Firefinger is at the end of the river Tyriki).   He is aware of the Ring of Eternal Winter - a sentient artifact an evil item craving destruction, inflicts indiscriminate harm on others. Non detection, the ability to be ageless, complete immunity to cold and various spell like abilities.   The Eye of Zaltec – very evil, part of the history of chult. Incredibly powerful.   He is aware of the Lich Acererak – very powerful, believed he may have killed the guardians   He gives Yesne Brightstar the spell ‘Sending’ (for 1000gp) Asked if he could research the trickster Gods by Bjorn Lovehammer