Freeing Nephyr Plot in Chult | World Anvil
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Freeing Nephyr

The aarakocra warrior Nephyr‌ has been captured while defending Summerstrider Bron‌. He was taken captive by the Firefinger Clan‌ terrafolk and taken to Firefinger‌.   Communication between Nephyr‌ and Yesne Brightstar‌ via the Sending spell has revealed Nephyr‌ is being held captive atop the highest point of the tower.   While approaching the abandonded tower, making use of the Totem of the Aarkocra the Parties‌ flight spell began to fail.   It would seem the only way to free the brave warrior is to work their way up through the tower.   This is fortuitous is is co-incides with the quest of Azaka Stormfang


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