Chult Sooooo many questions for N'baza
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Sooooo many questions for N'baza

31/6 5:00

Main Events
• The Guardians of the Gate talk with Saja N'baza The Guardians of the Gate learn the Legend of the Trickster Gods • The Guardians of the Gate learn of OmuThe Guardians of the Gate meet Artus Cimber • The Guardians of the Gate are teleported across the The Jungles of Chult

Yesne feels a soft tickling on the inside of her skull ‘what is that’. ‘That is me just checking your intentions, Ms Brightstar’. ‘Do you like what you feel’, ‘It is very busy’. Bjorn Lovehammer kneels, feels the same feeling.   ‘Please be seated if you wish’   Bjorn Lovehammer sits   ‘Can I offer anyone food/drink’   A table materialises out of nowhere   Nisus Ben-Har queries the quality of the food.   Saja N'baza says we can bring food in this time. Yesne queries this and she states what is the ziggurat like where you came from and what is it here.   Yesne asks if Aumar / Aumar/Elminster has come by, she said he had been quite recently.   We seek knowledge of the Soul Monger. It is beneath the ancient city of Omu, in the more complex of tombs.   Where is Omu – it is lost many years in the past, it sank down below the tree lines away to the south, somewhere in between the land of ash and smoke and the valley of lost honour. She does not know the exact region. Only that it is sunk and lost and immensely hard to find on foot. Surrounded by the thickest remnants of the vile Ras Nsi .   Nisus Ben-Har asks why we can’t fly – The Great Ubato was an interesting god and imposed many protections and gifts over the native races. Othertimes restrictions to give balance to the natural order.   Yesne Brightstar asks how we stop the Soul Monger – her eyes glaze almost. No, it is beyond my sight.   Acererak – the fall of Omu – so you know the Legend of the Trickster Gods?   Ras Nsi – was one of the The Bar'ae one of the immortal defenders of Mezro. He was tasked with defending the city from all threats. Ras, is actually a noble title. He was a paladin, a chosen of The Great Ubato. He betrayed his oaths, don’t recall how and was banished from the city and became a vengeful war lord. He attempted to conquer Mezro] with an undead army. Rather than seeking redemption he sought revenge. His god powers and immortality were stripped. With the loss of these powers he lost control of his undead army. We encounter them in the jungle now. He found shelter in an ancient and lost city called Omu. He seeks revenge against The Great Ubato and the world of Chult. I know his intentions. Further seeking revenge and damage to those who cast him out. He searches to bring forth DenDar, the night serpent.   Bjorn Lovehammer would like to know about Moa – long ago the god Ubato vowed to weep for the people of Omu no longer. Rains stopped, the jungle withered and died and death swept through Omu. A wise zorbo, Obo'Laka made stew made of all their qualities. She asked a wiley Almiraj to help her. It snuck recklessness into the pot. The Great Ubato spat out the stew when he tasted it. They became terrible enemies from then on Obo'Laka - The Zorbo , almirage – L'Jin . At noon a brave kamadan popped down from her rock and saw the evil in the Omuan's heart.... this is the Legend of the Trickster Gods   Brave Kamadan. Shagambi wanted to destory the evil in Omu, she crafted a spear to lancet the boil of the evil of Omu. The spear was stolen   Crafty Grung, Nang'a'Nang, stole the spear of Shagambi .   Wirely Ibis (trickster), Papazotl   Marsh Frog with tentacles, Kubazan   A Sue Monster stole a pail of water for the omuans - Wongo - The Su Monster and hid the water in Jacuulis burrow - Moa *Shrine for Moa - there is no shrine for moa in the north*.   Flail Snail - Unkh, her light blinded Ubato   All the shrines were around Omu.   Is there a shrine for Moa – no not this far up North   Are any shrines in the North? = almost all worship was within Omu itself.   Saja N'baza suggests an ancient being may know the location – dragon perhaps?   Nisus Ben-Har – should we find Omu and will we find the Soul Monger. Then what do we do - I would urge you to stop Ras Nsi from ravaging Chult. I would strongly ask that you would take that upon yourselves. I am sure you will find away, this individual has raised an massive army – don’t forget. He is embedded in Omu. If he manages to bring back DenDar, this death curse and the omens will be the least of your worries should DenDar return and swallow the earth.   She was imprisoned possibly by another party, she cannot see.   Saja N'baza implores us to take on this quest. Bjorn, Nisus Ben-Har and Fang say yes but Yesne Brightstar is not happy. She doesn’t want to try and find someone she doesn’t know how to kill and who might kill her.   Nisus Ben-Har suggests perhaps some aid is what Yesne means.   Fang – in her hand a carved token of a shield and a sword appears – push and gain the benefits of potion of heroism Bjorn – in his hand a carved token of a Chiwenga mask - 4 greater 2 lesser restoration Kailyn – in his hand a carving of a dinosaur – allows a cast of a spell to conjure animals can be used 3 times before is exhausted Nisus Ben-Har – in his hand a carving of a pretty brutal looking sword a carving of an open eye - Sword as Yesne. Eye token – casting of dark vision as an action – 3 times before the charm is exhausted Yesne Brightstar – a carving of a pretty brutal looking sword and a feather – sword token is dipped in the blood of any creature and attached to a sword to become a slaying sword of that creature (Yesne gives it to Bjorn ). The feather once crushed acts as a 10 day long feather fall.   Gifts have been given to those who swear to destroy Ras Nsi .   Kailyn puts his on the ground. As did Yesne.   Saja N'baza attempts to persuade us that ridding the world of Ras Nsi is for the benefit of the world.   Yesne Brightstar does not want to agree.   Biff Longsteel – he was with The Company of the Yellow Banner when they came. He was a fighter when he came and said nothing. His heart was clouded   Has Artus Cimber been – he is just climbing Orolunga.   Where are the other Bar'ae – in the astral sea. They are there as a protective mechanism.   Do you know where the Eye of Zaltec is – she told The Company of the Yellow Banner where it is – inside one of Acererak's infamous tombs. Under Omu, there is only one in Chult – the Tomb of Annihilation.   Beautiful and monstrous creature – many things have inhabited Ubato's Heart. Rusty ferrous rock from which it is carved, it appears to almost bleed after rainfall. Elements are shaped as if a giant heart. Teleportation magic or natural climb ability to reach it. It broke off in the cataclysm, it never comes down.   Who is the last heir to the Chultan throne – Zalkor gave birth to Mrabo who gave birth to Mpacka, last queen of Obu, who gave birth to Aiberu and then from there a husband and wife of Rasan and Omek and they had Mwaxaner and her younger brother Na.   Saja N'baza wants to know how we will pinpoint Omu – we could ask the The Aarakocra Tribes. Omu was lost over 200 years ago. (Perhaps Artus Cimber will know).   What do you know of the The Hags of Chult – aware of the Coven of 3 night hags, (Nanny Pu'pu is a green hag).   Where did Ras Nsi find so many undead – he harnessed immortal levels of magic before it was realised what he was doing.   Querying the snakes pouring into an ancient city – that would be Ras Nsi who upon the defeat of his undead armies sought solitude from other support. DenDar is worshipped by Yuan-TiNsi has infiltrated/influenced this culture of the Yuan-Ti .   With him somehow alive on this plane Mezro will never be able to return in his existence.   Nisus Ben-Har is hesitant to fight so many undead for Saja N'baza given how few in number we are. Asks for locations of artefacts that will help us. Also if we seek knowledge of those from the sky are there any customs or rituals that may improve our chances of success. - lost treasures are scattered throughout Chult, I do not track them. The challenge of the undead is their number they are not a single foe to be slain in a single act. The Dragon Tzindelor (Tinder), is old by the standards of men and dwarves, but not by dragon standards. Possibly look to understand the personality traits of that particular species should you need it's aid.   Kailyn Tharamor asks what Saja N'baza knows about the Aldani Tribe and their curse - The Aldani were an ancient tribe who's fishermen hunted the inland freshwater lobsters of Chult to extinction. The Great Ubato, ever protective of all the life in Chult grew angered by this and cursed the fishermen to live like those they had destroyed. Over time, what remained of the Aldani Tribe disappeared as many tribes came and went. However, the rumours of the cursed lobster folk remained.   Kailyn asks about the Yuan-Ti - the Yuan-Ti have always been a part of the fabric and balance of Chult.   Yesne regales Saja N'baza with her tale about Inete and her dreams of red wizards (Red Wizards of Thay in Chult). Wants to know why they are here and what they want - A room of bleeding walls is not common law I am aware of sorry. The Red Wizards of Thay are a truly evil society with a true and deep infatuation of eternal life and undead. There are rumours that some of the most powerful members of their order have even dabbled with Lichdom. Possibly researching this more may shed light on their motives and interests in Chult and /or the Death Curse .   Kailyn asks: *Q* "Has the death curse ever happened before?" *A* "Not within Saja’s sight"   *Q* "Who made the Soul Monger?" – *A* "It was Acererak himself who created it"   *Q* "What is the Soul Monger?" – *A* "A device to capture masses of spiritual energy"   *Q* "What do you then do with the spiritual energy?" *A* "From the elements that I have been made aware of over time, it can not only its purpose be to collect souls on a mass global scale, but use that and consume those souls to feed something"   *Q* "What kind of thing consumes souls?" *A* "That volume, that could feed a god. This is where urgency plays a part. At the moment people are dying who were resurrected and should live. Their souls drawn back from their bodies post divine magic, reviving them. Often those souls can be trapped in devices and freed and given back to their hosts. The soul monger is not a box to store, it is a machine to consume and harvest. If it is being utilised to be consumed the souls will be trapped forever"   *Q* "What does it look like, the soul monger?" *A* "A crystal cylinder some describe as between ten and thirty feet high and ten in diameter. It is reinforced top and bottom and strutted with adamantium within it’s deep shadowy blue depths within the crystal you can see various fragments and elements of souls swirling"   Acererak travels multiple planes and worlds, maybe he has found what it is he intends to feed.   Nsi – undead have blue triangles Acererak – undead have purple screaming skull   Yesne does recall reading about a hyper powerful, almost god-like undead being who almost purposely shunned godhood. This individual seems to be on such a level of malevolence and power that it actually crushes those who wish to worship it so it doesn’t become one. Part of its MO across the planes was the creation of these tombs where their only purpose was the entertainment of this being. Often embedded within it are true wonderous items to attract adventurers on purpose to go into these things and die purely for it’s entertainment. Wasn’t called Acererak but was the Lord of Unlife.   *Q* "What is Hasari?"  *A* "It was a Yuan-Ti city, to the East of Lake Luo, towards to the foot of the Sky Lizard Mountains. During the spell plague, half of the city fell into the Earth and sank"   Nisus asks if she has a good joke to share with us – What did the wanted poster for the escaped halfing divination wizard say? Small, medium at large.   Saja wishes us all the luck. The room begins to fade and look like a blurry translucent image. As it fades, the walls age rapidly. As we do so, an image of two figures materialise before us. An individual in Ranger like armour, next to him a lizard-like individual around 4ft tall. They appear a little confused seeing us appearing.   Yesne notices there is a sudden smell of Brimstone and ascertains it is coming from the lizard like individual.   Oh my god Artus, you’re even more handsome than your photo. And so tall…. And muscly. We’ve heard lots about you in our travels here in Chult. Did you know that the Zhentarim are trying to find you? Did you know the frost Giants are trying to find you too? Oh and it turns out they want your ring of Eternal Winter. Fascinating item that ring, I’ve read all about it of course. Very evil though, did you know it was very evil? I guess you probably don’t care since you’re wearing it. Is it because you’re trying to find your wife again? I heard she was lost when Mezro disappeared. And you think you can get her back? I mean, you must’ve been searching for years and years to find a way to make it there. But what if it’s not there anymore? What if everyone there has aged? And did you know that there’s a death curse about? Because some people think that the reason the death curse is here is because you are running around with that evil thing on your finger. I mean it’s really pretty and it means that people can’t find you so I guess that’s a good thing for you. You should definitely be careful though. Oh and my friend here, Fangy Wangy, well she saw you once a while ago in the Jungle, pretty sure you saved us so thanks for that. Oh yeah, and a few days ago I was chatting to a wizard, Lamar, one of the Harpers – do you know him? Because he’s also looking for you, thinks you might be able to help him with something, pretty sure he thinks you’re the reason for the death curse too.   Yesne notices that the lizard smells of lemons now – ‘oh you keep changing your smell, what is that?’ Dragonbait is a saurial, you won’t be able to hear the pitch or tone of his words or noises. Now we can smell baked bread. He expresses through smell.   Brimstone – confusion Lemon – joy, entertainment Baked bread – anger   Artus – why do you know so much about me when I know nothing of you?   Artus wants to know how to enter to see Saja, Yesne tells him that we have to leave first for him to see her. He asks us to leave but she says well answer our questions then.   Dragonbait smells of bread, changes their stance (fighting position). Fang notices and says we are not here for harm. Want to trade knowledge.   Woody smoke – devotion, piety   Trade knowledge;   A : How do we enter? (we leave and she’ll appear). They are keen for us to exit.   K : What made Ras Nsi break his oath? He was a Barae like your wife was he not? At the end of a civil war between parties who’s name I cannot remember within chult. Ras Nsi was so devout in his protection of Mezro, that when he pushed back the tribe or kingdom that put mezro under threat. Uponn their retreat he elected to wipe them from the face of chult. This was deemed to be going to far but as the highest ranking barea at the time he continued his onslaught. Having being given a great power to raise the dead that he not only brought people back to life he raised the dead. The other Barae banished him for that. For this punishment he then turned on Mezro himself.   A : You are not native to Chult, what brings you here?   Y : The death curse, do you know about it? Do you know about the Soul Monger? He is not aware of it or of the Soul Monger (I show him the mini model). We ask if he has heard of Omu – he hasn’t. He is stand offish, he only knows of Mezro and it’s surrounding area. Kailyn clarifies it’s the place where Napaka was the reigning Queen, this doesn’t help.   Nisus, do you not want to hear a joke?   A : No you searched out Saja for jokes? Y : of course not   N : Have you spent time at the Mezro ruins? Yes, many days trying to get it to return. Y : Do you know how to make it return? No, that is why I am here. Y : Saja won’t know she doesn’t know how to DO stuff.   Artus wants Mezro to return so he can get Alessandra back. It’s his only focus. Kailyn suggests maybe that the death curse / Ras Nsi is the reason it won’t return and so he may be tasked with ridding them.   Y : Where did you find the ring? I found it in the jungle. After questioning he found it in the Mezro ruins.   Y : Were you alive at the time of Ras Nsi? Yes, Nisus asks his favourite colour, he doesn’t know.   F : Do you know anything of his current whereabouts? No   Y : How do we kill him? How is he even still alive as he must be old? A : the bar rae were immortal, since he was cast out I assume he has lost his powers, what he is or isn’t now I wouldn’t know.   K : How close to Kir Sibal is the tomb of Needle? About 1-2 days.   Y : Where are the highest concentration of undead you’ve come across? The undead are heavily concentrated in the vast majority of inland areas. There is a Grung village / city called Dung Grung Lung in the centre. Towards the SE of the Aldani basin and then the vast majority south of the Aldani basin. East of the River Olung and here is relatively clear.   N : How do you navigate these areas? Through speed and skill.   K : Why would Nsi align himself with the Yuan-Ti? Who knows, I imagine after losing control of his undead army he is searching for something else.   Y : What does he want? Does he want to kill everyone? Where his mind is at now I wouldn’t know.   N : What does he look like? A tall imposing man, short, dark hair. Held himself in a way that Bjorn does.   B : Oh he worships Moa? Erm, no I don’t even know who he is.   Y : What was she like Alessandra? (Yesne smells roses) and a mixture of emotions cross Artus’ face. Maybe I was a little cold before as you actually do remind me of her. A little shorter perhaps, but your infectious energy. Her favourite colour was rainbow also. Yesne gives him a hug and he hugs her back. An intense rose smell washes over us and Dragonbait has a tear in his eye. Yesne hugs him too. Artus says ‘this is exactly what she would have done’. Yesne says she is sorry.   As we leave the room Kailyn tries to hang back but it is more difficult to leave. Kailyn tries to throw the Dinosaur token to bag of nails and says ‘I like no strings’. ‘Enjoy’. Just as we start to fade he manages to throw it. And notices Bag of Nails pick it up and look back just as we vanish. Suddenly before our eyes we find ourselves on the riverbank.   The teleportation is very disorientating. Nisus vomits, Bjorn lands on his head and throws up all over himself, Kailyn and Fang just about keep upright. Yesne however, appears to float to the ground and land gracefully.   As we land, it’s night time. It is lightly raining and the temperature warm. Fang finds a clearing for us to camp, Yesne’s hut is set up and we camp here for the night.   Yesne and Nisus take the first watch, Yesne describes a new spell to Nisus and tries to make it rainbow however, doesn’t succeed. She thinks perhaps Artus is the reason as she feels a bit sad. Kailyn takes the second watch and hides a ball bearing in Yesne’s boots (when stood on it will emit a dinosaur sound). Whilst on watch, Kailyn sees some large shadowy dinosaurs flying through the air. A flock of maybe around 5, similar to Terrafolk but a lot bigger. He just watches as they pass by unnoticed. ‘Sky Lizards’. The final watch, Fang and Bjorn goes by.

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