Chult Day 29 - Kailyn spends all the money then goes off on a secret mission
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Day 29 - Kailyn spends all the money then goes off on a secret mission


Main Events

Bjorn Lovehammer Gets His Shield • Kailyn Tharamor Purchases The Gnomish Conflagration Baton • Officially Hired By Azaka StormfangRumours of the The Adani Basin • The Party Collect Inete (Escort Inete to the Aldani basin to investigate visions ) • The Party Are Hired by Undril Silvertusk (Escort Undril to Fort Vengeance )Kailyn Tharamor Meets With The ZhentarimThe Guardians of the Gate Prepares For A Boat Trip

A man walks in with a package for Bjorn. His name is Jimmy. The package is a magical shield, wooden with an embossed/carving of a gate. +1 shield of missile snaring. Made from wood from Malars gate, suspect it is from Zhanthi.   Kailyn heads to a place called Glops enigmatic, eclectic emporium. Enters a giant wooden sphere. Shelves are all around the sphere (including above and below). Scarlet coloured frog like humanoid with big bulging black eyes. He is a Grung named Glop. Sells Kailyn a Gorillian Helm – gives dark vision. And some random tube. In Gnomish - Thumb button is ‘Elemental plane of Fire’, Second button is not really words, just a pretty pattern, it is depressed already. Fire plane, everything is on fire, lots of creatures, like a Sahara. Marble at end – 40ft diameter of fire. Throw marble in air and press next button. It explodes in the sky.   Head back to the Thundering Lizard, to try and find Azaka. Yesne asks Esther if Azaka is around and she’s told she’s outside talking to a new friend (sounds like Inete from description) so goes to find Azaka.   Kailyn overhears chat around The Adani Basin, that The Great Ubato punished people and they are now monsters who live in the basin to this day. Another is a ghost village on a plateau overlooking The Aldani Basin, saying all the people just disappeared but no one knows why.   Yesne shouts out for Azaka, but she gets no response. She stands on Fangs table to look for Azaka and Inete, spots them and jumps down to get to them.   Inete and Azaka have agreed that they will go first to The Aldani Basin, then to help get the mask. Potentially can help Undril Silvertusk if she’s not yet left. Would need to purchase canoes. Notice for Undril – can be found at Kaya’s House of Repose.   Go to Temple of Savras, talk to Gabriel Barragan as Zitembe is resting. He is aware of the funding agreed by Zitembe and will give us two canoes, agrees to drop them off at the western ziggurat, in the old city by Beggars Palace. He gives us 100gp   Whilst Fang, Bjorn and Yesne do this Kailyn stays behind. He goes into Yesne's room and places a ball bearing in her bed that, when touched, a loud ‘BANG’ (in Kailyn's voice) goes off. He hears Elonast chuckle on his way out.   Head to Kaya’s via The Thundering Lizard and do not see Kailyn at the Inn so carry on. Change into nicer clothes for Kayas. Fang runs to Karyn to buy an outfit (can’t wear spider-silk dress as will disintegrate). No armour, Fang and Bjorn check in a Scimitar and Great Sword at the door. 1 gold to enter. Tell lady at door we’re looking for Undril, she goes off to tell her. We find Ronhip at the bar and order Malars Zombie Slayers (given for free as doing so well). Taken to see Undril (she’s a half-orc).   Kailyn, now looking like a half-orc goes to the Borrios Marino (tattooist) and asks for a snake outline on his back. He’s sent into the back room and immediately has a knife placed under his chin by a white, furred hand. Kailyn sits at the table, and sets his face to his normal face. 4 people in the room, very difficult to actually see the faces of the individuals as the room is dark and they have hoods. Kailyn wants to know what information they want as per Ro'Kar. Establishes they are interested in Artus Cimber and his ring. They’re interested in info which may sway things. Kailyn mentions the ‘resurrection’ stone.   Ro'Kar  is there, he says Artus Cimber was a member of the Harpers, he found the ring in Chult, he also met his wife Alessandra in Chult. She disappeared with the city of Mezro many years ago. He is trying to find a way back to her. They say he would do anything to have her back. Ro'Kar believes the rumour that Mezro is on another plane. They believe he is seeking knowledge to somehow get the city of Mezro to return. Last heard to be searching for a font of knowledge – Saja N’baza. Told to give Kailyn a token as he is leaving. He’s given a brass coin with an inscription of a serpent swallowing the moon. Golden furred hand presses this token into Kailyn.     Undril Silvertusk  wants to go to camp righteous to help her brethren, was warned on multiple occasions not to enter the jungle. Was unsuccessful on her own. Hates the jungle / chult. She appears taken aback but agrees. Asks us our fee. Agree 150gp up front and 5gp per day (which is what we are to pay Azaka). Undril is a knight! We agree to meet her at the The Thundering Lizard at Dawn.   On way back to The Thundering Lizard tap on shoulder of Kailyn and voice in his head ‘your secrets are safe with me lets see how it pans out’  

  • Supplies – morning activity,
  • Back to the Inn to sleep and ready for morning
  • On going to bed, Yesne dislodges the ball bearing and screams.

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