Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour Character in Chult | World Anvil
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Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour

Merchant Prince of gems, Jewellery, cloth and armour.
Eldest of the merchant princess and with Royal blood line to the ancient families of Chult.
Mother of Shago.
Gave a mission to the party to investigate the flaming fist connections with the pirates.
Held a banquet in honour of Fang winning the blood race and gave her ancient dinosaur bone armour as a prize.
Flask of wine and River mist were both seen leaving Zanthi's mansion on the night of the banquet.   Has an errand boy named Jimmy


Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour


Towards Guardians of the Gate


Guardians of the Gate


Towards Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour


“Elderly, yet regal. Thick greying dreadlocks, with deep ebony skin with crowsfeet at her eyes. Dressed in thick billowing sashes of fabric and material, making it impossible to determine fat nor thin” Has royal bloodlines Knows about the heir above the O’long river (I imagine she is the one keeping them prisoner to claim the throne once the flaming fist have been expelled).

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