Chult 3 Men in a Boat
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3 Men in a Boat

14/6 11:00

Main Events

• Blaze gives meet details • Head to docks, spot a Harbour Clerk • Fang follows Clerk, Bjorn Lovehammer and Kailyn Tharamor find Jaro at the end of the pier • Yesne Brightstar meets Ro'Kar • The Guardians of the Gate take Jaro to Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and ArmourA Terrafolk removes some of Yesne Brightstar memory

Long Pier at 11 tonight, I trust the deal will hold, I come to you as the only other woman in your party. I will leave it with you.The Blaze, in Yesne's head. The party head down to the docks and find the longest pier.   Kailyn pretends to be drunk and walks down the pier. He doesn’t find anything but on his way back he spots a Harbour Clerk (Fat Half-elf), who has seen Kailyn and stopped in his tracks. Kailyn pretends to not see him and carries on walking. Clerk makes his way down the pier, appears to be pulling something on a line out of the water, it appears to be a small sack. He takes something out and puts something else in the sack then walks back down the pier.   Kailyn hears a splosh of an oar and jumps off the pier to follow (takes flight potion so as not to make a noise). Fang goes after the Clerk, stealth to follow him. Kailyn steals the thing the Clerk puts in the water and nails it to the side of the Pier. He then goes back to hear Jaro saying he can’t find the thing he was there to get out of the water. In a panic he tells Bjorn to run…..Bjorn jumps in the boat, Kailyn follows too. Jaro falls into the water.   Fang follows the Clerk to ‘The Fill-Inn ’. Follows him in.   Yesne Brightstar sees a man, long hair slicked back, middle aged. He is hiding behind the crates, so she calls to him. Ro'Kar is his name, he comes out and asks what Yesne Brightstar is doing so she show him Kailyn,Bjorn and Jaro in the water.   Kailyn hits Jaro with a sickness spell, Bjorn catches him and drags him to the boat, Kailyn helps him on board.   Ro'Kar asks who it is, Yesne can’t tell, he calls me Yesne but I haven’t told him my name so I ask how he knows and then who he is. Ro'Kar says he is a Zhentarim – I told him they are bad and step away. He changes his stance to ‘attack mode’. I tell him to be careful what he does (please) and intimidate him.   Kailyn ties up Jaro in the boat. Bjorn kills him.Kailyn brings him back.   Ro'Kar, sits to watch the outcome of the action below.   In the Fill-Inn , Fang is sat at a table. Two Flaming Fist approach him. They don’t look happy and are horrible to Fang. They knock her drink over and try and get her to leave. They don’t let the barkeep serve anymore drink to her. Fang dims the lights and is forced to leave. She waits outside.   Kailyn and Bjorn get the boat to the pier and get Jaro out. The bag Jaro had contained 100gp and a sending stone. The other bag, which Kailyn has retrieved contained an oiled pouch, inside there was a tightly sealed scroll tube. Inside the scroll is a list of ships which will be departing/arriving over the next week, along with jotted notes as to their cargo.   Ro'Kar wants to take Jaro and the evidence. He offers us 20,000gp but we say no. In secret,Kailyn sends a message to Ro'Kar asking to meet him. He gives him a time / place to meet (at the tattooist).   Put Jaro on a cart and start to leave (Ro'Kar says we can borrow it). The party get stopped by 2 guards who want to know what we’re doing. They start getting angry that we’ve stolen a cart and kidnapped someone. Tell them we are the Guardians of the Gate. The guards are not sure and ask us to prove it. One guard tells Yesne Brightstar to be intimidating so she casts Hideous laughter on him. Then they ask Bjorn to prove by oath where he’s going. He does and then a Chwinga appears and makes a mushroom grow from the ground. They finally believe us. Allow us to take the cart for 75gp deposit (refundable). Gives us a writ to allow us to pass.   Arrive at Zhanthi and tell her about Jaro. Jaro is questioned but doesn’t say anything. The Blazethen arrives. She agrees with Zhanthi that the Blaze will take and ‘punish’ Jaro, but Zhanthi will keep the sending stone and everything else they found etc. It is clear from the exchange that Zhanthi doesn’t believe that it was Jaro – and she suspects that it has been the Blaze all along. Told not to utter a word of the exchange to anyone. Kailyn points out the four guards are also aware of Jaro.   A Terrafolk comes in the room, covered in tattoos, with lots of necklaces of bones and has one ‘milky’ eye. Has metal rings through his back. Ikarth. Zhanthi knows Yesne will tell if asked and so he is there to remove the last 15 minutes from her memory. Yesne allows him to do it. But no more than 15 minutes. He goes behind Yesne and opens his ‘beak’ which is actually tentacles, they massage my head. Its very creepy. Kailyn thinks its some kind of mindflayer. Yesne wakes and is unaware of anything that has happened.   Zhanthi rewards us with 5,000gp. She gives Yesne a tiara that she ‘had no use for’. It is gold with multi coloured gems. Yesne is delighted – it actually gives her a +2 to intelligence. Money man hands over 6,000gp (an extra 1,000 for ‘integrity’).   When Yesne Brightstar go to bed she casts tiny hut. Ilonas is there and asks for pancakes and papaya.