Coia: 31 - Feel the Heat

General Summary

After a quick catnap, the group proceeded to finish clearing out the catacombs. After finding an old statue of St. Adolphus and killing a small gelatinous cube in a crypt, they headed back up and out of the church. The streets were still fairly empty but some people were milling about and they made their way back to the Dancing Donkey, surprised to find a very much alive Arnold helping his dad fix up the place. Gerhart explained that they’ve been gone for three days, indicating that time spent around that portal was altered. The group realizes that Gerhart must have access to some powers since Arnold was clearly “mostly dead” when they left for the church.   They had just finished helping the town clean up the dead bodies when Szarden reappeared. He had a book that he gave to Mithac and as he opened it up, she discovered it was the book that Moose and Nicodemus had been bound to, the very book she had been seeking to destroy. Over drinks at the Donkey, Sszarden explained that he and Retta had journeyed to Candlekeep and Retta discovered a way to free Moose from the book. She had agreed to help research Sszarden’s issues while he freed Moose and brought the book back to Mithac.   The Donkey door flung open, and a pompous-looking man dressed in finery entered. After scouring the room, he headed straight to Mithac. “Polonius!” she cried as they embraced. She explained to us that she and Polonius were lifelong friends and she had sent word to him to ask for his help in finding and destroying the book. He gives a cold welcome to the group, appearing to believe himself to be in a class above the lot. Agreeing that they’d had a long day and too much to drink, they chase down Gerhart‘s caravan and crash there for the night.  

On the Road to Coia

  The next morning after setting out for Coia, the group decides to purchase some of Gerhardt’s wares. After a heated game of rollsies, Nym purchased the Manual of Quickness of Action and immediately retired to the barn to read. Sszarden helped Gerhart drive the caravan while learning more about Coia. Gerhart told them that the Rod of Rulership was used during the development of Coia and was a beacon for the first settlements. Gerhart also examines the chest they found in Soren’s office and tells them that he believes that a few vials of dragon’s blood may allow him to unlock the box.   The first day passes uneventfully and the group takes watch on top of the caravan overnight. Early in the morning, just as Polonius is getting ready to end his shift, the group hears a booming scream from behind them and Garus turns to watch a large red dragon swoop down towards the caravan, releasing a burst of fire that scorches them as the dragon scoops up Polonius in his talon, banks right and heads off into the Cocker mountains.   Gerhart needs to continue traveling south, but Mithac convinces the group that Polonius isn’t really a bad guy and she needs help rescuing him. We agree to rescue him and plan to meet up with Gerhart a few miles south in the town of Clifton.   After a short trek up the mountains where the air is getting warmer and the water getting fouler, we come across a large cave opening with scorch marks along the sides. Carefully entering we find large steps that rise up toward something lighted ahead. While scouting the area, Rasputin sees a fire elemental emerge from the wall just past the first chokepoint in the cave. Rasputin does not survive.   Noting the location, Zen jumps in and casts wind wall to slow it down while the others rush in to kill it. After dispatching this elemental, they come across Polonius, lying on the ground. Mithac shakes him awake and he heals himself. Deciding it’s better to kill the dragon now while they may have the element of surprise, they continue in. Nym spies a much larger fire elemental in an upper chamber, and as Zen and Sszarden step forward to attack, they suddenly feel an immense heat behind them.