Coia: 32 - The Third Dragon Falls

General Summary

After Zen took a shot at the fire elemental, Sszarden stepped forward to as well. Before he could fire, he felt the hot breath behind him, and a fireball shot through him and Zen, burning them badly. The red dragon came down out of the lair and shot another fireball at the party, doing some serious burn damage. Lucy was able to incapacitate the fire elemental, letting the rest of us focus on damaging the dragon. A cloud of noxious gas appeared and poisoned several of us as we attacked, but we were able to bring down the red dragon.   However, just as the dragon fell, Mithac heard a voice call “You were supposed to be my lunch!” A swarm of angry insects enveloped the party. Some of us laid a beat-down on the fire elemental while others ventured further into the cave only to be greeted by a massive ancient black dragon that was at least twice as big as the red dragon (weighing at least 20 elephants) with acid dripping from its fangs. It frightened most of us and we ran away as it chased us around the cave. Sszarden lured it outside almost at the cost of his own life as it nearly gored him to death on its way out. But it left the cave and flew off westward.   Garus investigated the cave further but found it only led to a large lake of acid with no other obvious exit. Looting the cave, Nym found 1900 G and an animated shield in the corner. Polonious immediately asks to dip his sword in the gold, earning suspicious looks from most of the group. Mithac shoved her mace up the butt of the fire elemental which exploded on contact, while Sszarden found 180G and a Medallion of Thoughts on the smaller fire elemental. Lucy and Zen gather up 2 waterskins full of dragon blood, and Garus chipped a piece of tooth off to take.   We trek back to town getting a short rest along the way and meet up with Gerhart in Clifton that evening. Polonius treats us to a meal of mystery meat, and we retire to the caravan. Gerhart says it’s unusual to see dragons this far west or living together as they are usually solitary creatures. He thinks something must be frightening the dragons out of their natural homes, something likely not of this plane. He recommends we sell the blue dragon egg as training a dragon takes years and patience, neither of which we possess. He agrees to take the dragon blood and attempt to open the chest.   We all went to bed. Nym woke up at 2 in the morning to read his book. Nerd.

Rewards Granted

  • 1900G and animated sheild from Lair loot
  • 180G and Medallion of Thoughts (Szarden from small elemental)