Coia: 33 - Tying Up Loose Ends

General Summary

Trying out their new moniker, the Dragonbone Vanguard takes a rest while Polonius dips just the tip of his sword in the dragon gold overnight. They spend the rest of the day traveling uneventfully to Harrington where they camp for the night before setting out for Coia the following day.   At Harrington, Lucy and Zen hit the local watering hole where Lucy decides to serenade the town in hopes of earning a few coppers. The crowd isn’t into Lucy’s set as the humidity has caused the lute to go out of tune. Zen goes invisible and fondles the sacks of a guy at the bar to discover 2 beads of force and 91 G.   Mithac and Polonius travel to the local chapel to see if anyone needs heroic deeds done, but a drunk friar rebuffs Polonius’ advances. Szarden chats with Gerhart for a bit while Garus attempts to talk with the Bahir since they are both from Feywild. They tell him their names (Aurdir and Sylopheed) and let on that Gerhart’s late wife Noomi found them and they were happy. Gerhart tells them that he met his wife later in life and she already had the Bahir.   The rest of the Vanguard (sans Nym who’s still in the barn reading) join Lucy and Zen at the tavern to relax and chat. Talking a bit more with Garus, they learn that he accidentally wandered here from Feywild where he worshipped the Jabberwock. He’s considered a child (although he’s 46) and some other “kids” his age killed his Jabberwock, so he killed them.   Early the following morning, Gerhart finds Nym in the barn and tells him he was able to open the box using the dragon’s blood before it dried up. Nym opens it to find a Cubic Gate which looks like the interdimensional cube that Yaldra had describes in Episode 9. The gate will allow the user to locate planar portals or move between planes, but it’s not currently active. Gerhart agrees to lock it up while the Vanguard travels Coia.   Nym uses the sending stone to inform Yaldra of their find. Yaldra telepathically responds and asks for an update. Nym describes the cube to her and lets her know that the portal in Herthe was destroyed, but the portals north in Wisten and south in Upper Lachas have not yet been destroyed. He confirms that their task in Coia is to ascertain that the Rod of Rulership is still intact and that the crown jewels are safe.   We intend to seek an audience with Lord Lee the next day where we’ll name-drop his brother-in-law Lord Mangalroth if needed. Until then, we spend the day shopping. We sell off a lot of stuff we’d been carrying for a while including the blue dragon egg and are able to use the funds to purchase some cool new toys.