Slaverin: 03 - Actions Have Consequences

General Summary

The party splits up for the evening; Tiammen purchases some armor and goes off to "take care of some business"; Borin, Rooster, and Igan decide to seek out the Order of Sea and Stone to try to find answers about the portals; while Arcon Domine and Harding Quickstop decide to head back to the Pit Inn for a night of drinkning and song.

Tiammen's Short Walk

  As Tiammen walks awkwardly toward the armory, arms and tail full of armor, he is met by a familiar face, @[Lieutenant Marcus Graves], soon joined by fellow Silk Guards, @[Liara Shrike] and @[Valen Star]. As the realization that he is being arrested begins to dawn on @[Tiammen], it becomes apparent that his only real option is surrender. Knowing that Marcus is not only an honorable man, but also a friend, @[Tiammen] went with him after assurances the armor he was carrying would be returned to the Armory, and @[Tiammen] would not be blamed for their theft.
  Marcus left @[Tiammen ]in a dungeon cell untouched and with all his belongings as a reminder that he still had friends among the @[Silk Guard].

What do you do with a Drunken Sailor?

  Returning to the Pit Inn, Harding agrees to entertain the light crowd while Arcon starts knocking back the ale. A small halfing woman Loretta wearing the standard Order of Sea and Stone robes enters the bar and quickly rushes over to them. She casts a Zone of Truth so they can trust her and tells them that they need to come with her immediately as they are in grave danger. Naturally, instead of believing her, they proceed to question her at length, taking long enough that several guards have time to enter the bar. Arcon recognizes one of them as the guard who busted him and sent him to prison.
  The guards order Harding and Arcon to come with them, but they aren't inclined to agree. Harding is able to psychically damage and trick the guards, while Arcon swings wildly in an apparent stupor, missing almost every shot. Loretta runs off and after thunderwaving a few guards, escapes out a side window. Arcon barely smashes open the window behind the bar, allowing Harding and himself to escape. They follow Loretta and run off towards the Order of the Sea and Stone with the guards in pursuit.

Mission Impossible

  At the Order of Sea and Stone, the rest of the group is met by Brother Aldric who takes them to Brother Andrei, the High Cleric of the Order. Andrei explains that the group's activities at the Greenfield farm were noticed and have caused great concern. The Silk Guard knows who they are and is coming for them. Chastizing Borin for his impulsiveness, he informs them that an envoy has been sent to retrieve Arcon and Harding, but that Rollo and Tiammen have already been arrested.
  Andrei tells them that while openly they have to appear to remain neutral, they have secretly been assisting The Unchained by passing them information and help. They were actually sent to destroy the goblins because the goblins were freelancing for the House of Silk and returning freed slaves back to their captors. Rollo is their contact for the Unchained and knows too much about the connection between the two organizations. He must be rescued before he sobers up and can be questioned properly as he will crack under pressure.
  Andrei assigns the group the task of sneaking into the dungeons of the House of Silk to rescue Rollo and Tiammen. He promises everyone but Borin 100 Platinum each if we are successful, but warns that if caught, the Order will disavow any knowledge of their actions. They can sneak us into the dungeons, but we'll have to exit via the sewers. He hands us a map of the dungeons and explains the route we must take once we find ourselves in the sewers. He hands us each a potion of greater healing and spell shield scroll and wishes us good luck. As we are walking out, Loretta, Arcon, and Harding arrive and we explain the plan. Harding notes that she's out of spells.

Jail Break

  Sneaking into the dungeon, we fortunately discover Tiammen and Rollo in the first set of cells we come across. Harding reminds everyone that she's out of spells. We're able to pick the locks on both of their cells, and after a few failed attempts to release other prisoners, we decide to get out as quickly as possible. Harding reminds everyone that she's out of spells. Noting two guards at the end of the hall, Rooster is able to quickly drop them both with blunted arrows as we decide maybe it's better to not kill everyone in our path this time. Harding reminds everyone that she's out of spells.
  We quietly scout around the dungeon, sending out Harding's raven to scout ahead and make our way to the room with the sewer entrance. After distracting a few guards and killing off a few rats, we descend into the sewers and try to remember the directions. Left ... then left ... then stop at the fork in the road? ... do we get off the path? ... hey look, there's some drains ... now right? ... and right again ... and ... oh shit...
  Turns out somebody got confused and we find ourselves face-to-face with a water elemental. Harding reminds everyone that she's out of spells. We are able to rather quickly lay waste to the elemental before it can do too much damage to anyone other than Igan. Retracing our steps, we turn left instead of right and come across a ladder leading up. Harding reminds everyone that she's out of spells. Grimgar pokes his head through the top and seeing an empty alleyway, the rest of the group follows. Tiemann recognizes the area noting that we are near the docks.
  Stealthing our way towards the docks we notice two more guards patrolling in the distance. Harding reminds everyone that she's out of spells. Igan takes Harding by the hand and they pretend to be a couple out for a walk in the moonlight. After a bit of small-talk and and exchange of some money, Igan convinces the guards to give him and Harding a few minutes alone by the boats. The guards walk away and the rest of the party is able to sneak onto the docks. We see Brother Aldric who has a foldable boat with him. We quickly unfold the boat, climb aboard and set sail southward for the island of Stormwatch.
  We reach Stormwatch the following morning, most of us able to rest up during the night. Brother Joseph greets us as we dock and gives us a paper signed by Brother Andrei granting us safe passage. We note that it is in the same handwriting as the goblin-clearing contract that Rollo had. Joseph asks us our group name and leader. Igan pounced on the mantle and stated that he is thinking of a name. He will let Joseph know when he has decided. Joseph tells them to rest up and they will talk more tomorrow.

Character(s) interacted with

Loretta Serafina Andrei Aldric Rollo
Slaverin Campaign
Report Date
17 Jul 2023