Amazon Rainforest Geographic Location in Colossal Fossils | World Anvil
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Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest on planet Earth . It spans approximately 2,587,000 square miles, with most of the forest being in Brazil. It shares borders with Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Surname, and Venezuela. 3,334 indigenous territories dwell within the jungle borders, comprised of 30 million people spanning 350 different ethnic groups.


The forest's sheer size and density are vital for controlling carbon levels within the atmosphere. This makes its existence especially precarious as deforestation is rampant in the region. Over 17% of the ecosystem has been destroyed by logging and commercial agriculture, which could prove problematic for both the environment and the planet's climate management.

Localized Phenomena

Because of its presence on the equator, the jungle experiences twelve hours of sunlight each and every day.


It is an incredibly humid landscape thick with trees. There is never a dry season as it consistently rains all year round, with varying levels of occurrence. No seasons exist either because of the perpetual heat and humidity.


The great tepui Mount Roraima was the staging ground for an Elder Things colony and research outpost during the Late Cretaceous, where they dug beneath the mountain and hollowed out a large chamber beneath it and the rest of the Pacaraima Mountain]true chain. Beneath the zone, they terraformed the environment and built a nuclear fusion reactor on the roof of the cavern to help foster organic life in an attempt to simulate a surface ecosystem underground. Genetic samples harvested from lifeforms throughout the Mesozoic, eventually creating more lifeforms during the Pleistocene. The extraterrestrials experimented with great amniotic fluid they recovered from the upper surface to try and understand its evolutionary power, creating two kaiju in the process. The plague they were suffering from and genetic deterioration from cloning led to their demise, and the ecosystem wore down and became self-sustaining without them.   An expedition led by billionaire scientist and inventor Morrison Westernraugh drilled inside the tepui in 1925 to prove if it was a giant tree stump or not. None of the adventurers ever returned, and their skeletons were recovered a century later by Majestic.   Majestic covertly entered the Amazon Rainforest after following the paper trail left by Professor Westernraugh before his disappearance and extracted the two kaiju from within. Local military forces apprehended them at the port, but the kaiju escaped and split off in two directions.   For a more expansive list, check the article on the real life Amazon Rainforest.
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