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Pellucidar (pell-loo-sid-darr)

Pellucidar is the name given to the enormous underground chamber beneath the Pacaraima Mountains by Professor Morrison Westernraugh  when he discovered it in 1925. He named it in tribute to Edgar Rice Burroughs. It has been dubbed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO .


The environment is very similar to the Amazon Rainforest up above, although there are dusty plains and rocky highlands to add contrast. Swamps and hanging moss are far more prevalent, at times mirroring bayous.

Localized Phenomena

Such an environment would be utterly impossible without the enormous fusion reactor fitted to the rock roof, which alternates light output to simulate night and day. It also harvest water vapor, carbon dioxide, and oxygen from the air and recycles them in order to simulate authentic weather patterns.


The climate itself is very humid and has no real wet season very much like the Amazon Rainforest above. Thunderstorms do occur depending on the algorithm of the fusion reactor above.

Fauna & Flora

Though many species are native to the outside and found their way in through tunnels or underwater passageways, Pellucidar is home to incredibly unique and isolated species not found anywhere else on the planet.

Native Species

Natural Resources

The rock walls contain major natural resources such as tin, copper, bauxite, iron, silver, gold, and diamond. They occur in great abundance and provide a cornucopia of major metals and minerals. Petroleum deposits can also be found in the lower, dry areas, richer than anywhere else on the planet. Even rarer still is the presence of Kaijumite  growing in the soil and rocks from where the kaiju dueled.


During the Late Cretaceous, an extraterrestrial race known as the Elder Things restarted their attempts to colonize and settle on the planet Earth after a few setbacks. One such colony was dug beneath what would one day become the Paracaima Mountains. It also doubled as a research facility to contain and study exotic life in captivity without having to disturb the native environment. In order to facilitate life and energy for their wildlife, the Elder Things created a fusion reactor and mounted it to the stone roof of the chamber. It was powered by magma they extracted from the earth's core and harnessed into a self-sustaining power source. The reactor was also programmed to harvest water vapor, oxygen, and carbon dioxide from the air and create artificial weather like on the surface. Terraforming efforts resulted in usable soil, clean water, and foliage that was a perfect mirror to the world outside. Next, they began harvesting animals from the outside with the intent of using them for their biological preserve. A Seed of Creation had been resting topside, and they extracted the great amniotic fluid for experimentation. Its evolutionary potential had intrigued them since their race's inception, and they wished to study it to unlock its secrets and perhaps even cure the plague. Over the course of many failures, they eventually were able to have two successes with a ceratosaurid and a nodosaurid. The colony was spared the calamity on the surface when the meteor struck, but they entered emergency hibernation for their race to recuperate while the preserve went on autopilot. The specimens were left in stasis within their tanks filled with amniotic fluid to absorb and develop it.   They had reawakened during the Pleistocene to a changed world and changed biological inhabitants of the preserve. Their dinosaurs had evolved and changed drastically within the chamber, which intrigued them immensely. The two subjects in stasis had grown and evolved to kaiju size, far exceeding their expectations. More animals from the outside landscape were recovered and added to the ecosystem. Genetic decay and the plague eventually led to the Elder Things' extinction, and the barriers keeping the animals separate fell into disrepair. With no system in place to maintain balance, the animals were free to intermingle. The kaiju staked claim to their respective territories and engaged in turf wars periodically over divides. At some point, the hominid specimens obtained from the outside went extinct as well but left behind cave paintings, carvings, and primitive architecture.   Centuries later, a rich inventor and billionaire Professor Morrison Westernraugh charted an expedition to Mount Roraima in 1925 to prove the tepui was actually a giant tree stump. Using his patented Mole Machine to delve into the structure, he actually discovered an immense underground lair. His crew never made it out and ultimately perished inside, trapped.   Pellucidar would be discovered by Majestic in 2020 after following Westernraugh's paper trail. They extracted the two kaiju and set up a base in the underground lair to study the animals in their native habitat. It is co-managed in cooperation with the governments of Brazil , Venezuela , and Guyana and known as Majestic 25.



Access to Pellucidar is strictly forbidden for non-government employees and those without proper authorization from Majestic and the local South American governments.
Alternative Name(s)
Hollow Earth
Underground / Subterranean
Location under
Contested By
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