Geothermal energy

This is the energy used in the confederation. It works from the active volcano caulderas where the magma bubbles and shifts consistently. Humans utilize it by building tunnels in the floor of the forges and foundries so that the magma will go around certain areas again and again, thus heating them and moving large pistons which power bellows. So far this energy can only be used by access to a volcano, making it impractical for the rest of Continental to use it.


Clean, renewable energy.


First tunnels must be drilled in the mountainside and floors of the building. Then you must mark where the tunnels are on top of the floor so nobody steps on the super hot floors.
Children Technologies
Access & Availability
Only available to those with access to an active volcano. Used only in government controlled business endeavors.
Not very, the magma naturally wants to move around. The trick is cycling the magma through before it has a chance to harden.
Discovered by humans noting how the magma wanted to move through the tunnels that the Volcanic Dryads made.