The Universe

In the beginning, the cosmos were in the throes of Madness and Chaos, the elements untamed and unchecked, a swirling mass of infinite complexity. From this disorder, three great beings emerged, embodying the noblest and cruelest traits of Madness. The Golden Siberys was the first to develop, song forth out of the lawlessness, and within her, the spark of genius and creativity was born. Just as shadow follows light, the cosmos spat forth the treacherous Khyber, the embodiment of Madness’s cruel and destructive potential, but also its ability to shape and change. The final being to manifest from the early cosmos was gentle Eberron, the arbiter of balance, yet the feeblest of the three. She weaved the untamed energy of the cosmos together and created a harmony between the two. Together they set out to bring order to the disorder.   The three progenitors started by forming the elements from Chaos. First fire, then ice, followed by air and earth. Each given their own place in this New Order. Next, they split light from darkness; allowing the two to exist independently, able to be each a half of the greater whole. Then, they created what today we call thoughts and feelings but, to them, were as concrete and real as anything else in the planes of dreams, strife, creativity. With their vision now beginning to take shape and become realized, they split order and Chaos apart from the Madness forever weakening the grip Madness once held on reality. However, Madness can never be destroyed, and as a result, a plane of Madness itself was formed from the remnants of that which once was.   With the planes formed, the progenitor created a Nexus where all these things could coexist and interact with our material plane. They affixed 12 moons to represent the planes. With their order now established, conflict soon arose over what to do with it. Siberys thought it best to preserve it, leaving it frozen and unchanging; forever a monument to their perfect order. Khyber had desired to destroy it, then recreate it, forever repeating this cycle and allowing Chaos to rule. Eberron, the meekest and weakest, wished simply to allow time to flow, granting things the ability to morph and change whilst preserving their essence; a balance between the order and the Chaos. Siberys, believing this was a wise compromise, agreed with Eberron. Khyber, knowing that he could never stand against his two sisters combined, devised a devious plan.   He agreed with his two sisters that this was the best compromise, and waited for Siberys and Eberron to give up part of their powers to initiate the flow of time, knowing they would be weakened. Khyber then attacked Siberys in this vulnerable state thinking, with her out of the way, he could easily overpower Eberron. His attack mortally wounded Siberys, but she was still able to deliver one final overwhelming strike against Khyber, shearing his wings off and leaving him unable to move. Eberron, knowing she could never overpower her brother, wrapped herself around Khyber, binding him deep within herself and in doing so, becoming the world we walk on today. Siberys with her last now living breath wrapped herself around Eberron, becoming the sky, with her remains becoming the rings around our planet [Ring of Siberys]. The last remains of her energy becoming the magic that permeates our world. Siberys's blood rained down on to Eberron. Where this blood quickened in the air, it became the first of the divine imbued with Siberys's immortal spirit. Where it struck the ground, it merged with Eberron, becoming the first mortal life born from immortal lineage and earth, shaping itself into the image of its creator. With this Siberys and Eberron created an impenetrable prison, one that could last as long as life remained.   Khyber could not sit silently in his new underworld, his life also leaving him. His blood, seeping out, would become the Lords of Dust; the immortal demon overlords. Unknown to the progenitors and outside of their control, a new plane was created to receive the immortal spirit of Siberys. This plane was the plane of death, [Dolurrh (The Realm of the Dead)] the ultimate end of all things outside of the control of any being no matter how powerful. The world was now the domain of the divine and the mortal, together they shaped the world to their new vision. Unknowing of what was underneath their feet waiting to emerge when the moment was right, they would usher in a new age; the age of demons and their immortal overlords.

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