Olivia Couvillion

The Saint who led Draconia into open rebellion

Saint Olivia Couvillion (a.k.a. Saint Olivia)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Saint Olivia is still a young girl, but is nonetheless muscular for her age thanks to an upbringing of hard physical labor. She is healthy and strong, albeit slim and somewhat petite at first glance. She practically radiates health and beauty, and almost gives off a palpable glow.

Identifying Characteristics

Saint Olivia is almost impossible miss as she is said to almost radiate a palpable aura of light and purity. Her hair is said to be the color of purest gold and the very sight of her dirt-covered skin which yet radiates purity even when dirtied is an unmistakable sign of her presence.

Special abilities

In addition to her natural beauty, Saint Olivia's greatest and most mysterious quality is supernatural charisma...so beautiful and pure is she, that her presence alone is said to inspire such awe and wonder that even the staunchest of her foes cannot help but fall to a knee before her and submit to her truth. Her words are like silk, and are capable of persuading almost any of the justness and righteousness of her ways...so much so that many find it hard to disobey a simple suggestion or casual order made in jest, though she is quick to laugh such fervent obedience off. She is also said to possess the natural ability to heal others, and many bring their babies and children to her to have her bless their lives...her mere touch is said to mend wounds and knit flesh back together, and children she blesses often grow up healthier than any imagine them capable of.

Apparel & Accessories

She is commonly found in the gorgeous set of plate mail armor crafted in celebration of her ascension to the throne, colored golden with elaborate and expensive gilding. She is rarely seen outside of this armor, but when she is she commonly wear simple sleeveless peasant garb suitable for any commoner.

Mental characteristics


Unknown. She has proclaimed herself chaste and untouched by sex.


She has no formal education, and was raised as a peasant girl in her home village.


Before becoming 'Saint Olivia', she merely helped her parents at their farm.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Saint Olivia singlehandedly inspired the citizens of Draconia into open revolt against their Emperor despite his fairly well-loved status, drug him out of his palace despite her young age and beheaded the beloved king Julian Alexander El-Draco on the steps of his own palace. She did the same with the Draconian Church, brutally executing its corrupt members and purging it of all filth and sin...afterwards, she ascended and took the Throne of Draconia for her own and became the new Empress of Draconia.   She bravely took over the rule of the Draconian Noble House of Ullanova, who adopted her as a young girl and raised her after her family perished...she rose to lead the house after the death of the previous head and her adoptive father due to old age.

Failures & Embarrassments


Morality & Philosophy

Saint Olivia is a paragon of morality, and is both just and good...though, she is capable of great acts of barbarity in the defense of her moral values. She will do anything if it means protecting the ways of good, and of law, and she believes that the people and the commoner should come first in every society and nation. She preaches and believes that 'Great Evil can be done for a Good Cause'.

Personality Characteristics


Desires nothing more than to see Draconia 'put back on its righteous course'. Wants to bring faith and religion back to the common folk of Draconia, and restore the power often taken away by nobility to the common folk.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely gifted orator and public speaker. So charismatic it is said to border on the supernatural. Gifted fighter and commander. Is perfectly humble, sweet, and pure.   Is poor at and has no care to learn the ways of nobility such as Etiquette and proper mannerisms.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves all the citizens of Draconia, and loves faith and religion more than anything. Dislikes those who hate or degrade others, or who put others down for their own gain.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind, warm, beautiful, patient, pure, strong.

Vices & Personality flaws



Although she keeps her clothing and armor spotless, she commonly keeps her face and skin besmirched with dirt or grime garnered from her travels or walks about the city, to show her simple upbringing. This has ingratiated her with the common folk, who see her occasional dirtiness as proof of their 'sameness' with her.


Contacts & Relations

Before her arrival and subsequent rebellion in Sul-Dracon, Saint Olivia was an unknown farm girl who knew little to nothing of the outside world.

Family Ties

Though she once had family back home in her village, they all perished due to various tragedies inflicted during the reign of Julian Alexander El-Draco in his quest to purge the corruption from the Church of Draconia. She has very close ties to the Draconian Noble House of Ullanova, who adopted her as a young girl and raised her after her family perished...she has since rose to lead the house after the death of the previous head and her adoptive father due to old age.

Religious Views

Saint Olivia pays homage to Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon and encourages the truth and wisdom of his platinum light. She wholeheartedly embraces religion and believes it to have saved both her and the country of Draconia, but believes that a love for goodness and justice should never stop the faithful from executing and rebelling against Tyrants. She believes wholeheartedly in the healing power of faith, and has already done much to restore the Church of Draconia to a pure, uncorrupted state after she executed both Julian Alexander El-Draco and the head of the Draconian Church, who were deemed to be too corrupt to live.

Social Aptitude

Saint Olivia is an incredibly charismatic and beautiful young woman, and is the very image of Purity and Faith...however, despite this unflappable exterior of a simple, faithful and pure peasant girl she has a great natural magnetism and was capable of rallying the people of Draconia into flat out open rebellion against Julian Alexander El-Draco and the Church in the span of a few short months. Beneath her pure, innocent facade lies a steely core that is willing to brutalize and kill if it is done in the name of a greater good.   She is well-beloved by almost all who meet her, and many famously tell stories of being in her presence even as her hated enemy yet being unable to resist falling to a knee and submitting to her overwhelming charisma...almost as if it were impossible to resist falling under her sway and acting and speak truthfully so long as one is in her presence. As such, she is said to be impossibly charismatic, and many nobles and enemies alike fear her for this quality which is said to force even her most heinous of foes into kneeling before her out of awe and her overwhelming purity, as if they were standing before a goddess.


True to her upbringing as a peasant girl, Saint Olivia has mannerisms that reflect her simple upbringing. She often is seen making a conscious effort to speak in a more 'dignified' manner as befitting a Saint, and generally carries herself simply and true to herself, lacking many of the more dignified or refined airs that a true noble might bring. Instead, her purity and holiness comes not from any refined mannerisms, but in her simple and pure way of living which inspires all who meet her that they might one day live up to the way Saint Olivia sees and treats them.


With a voice said to be a gift from Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon himself, Saint Olivia's voice is soothing and calming, said to almost be infectiously hypnotic to those who hear it...many who have met her in person claim her voice was so soothing it whisked away any anger or rage or negative emotions they had, rendering them speechless and in awe as her simple, charming words washed over them.


Olivia Couvillion

Killer (Vital)

Towards Julian Alexander El-Draco



Julian Alexander El-Draco

Victim (Trivial)

Towards Olivia Couvillion




Although he had no knowledge of her before she arrived in his city, King Julian was eventually slain and beheaded by the teenage Saint Olivia, who declared him a "Vile Man wearing the face of a Saint" and incited his citizens into open rebellion against him. Up until the end, King Julian had no idea who she was and considered her a passing fancy of the populace, and had no opinion on her.

Wealth & Financial state

Saint Olivia now wields all the immense wealth of the Draconian Throne as her own, but due to her simple upbringing as a farm girl in a poor village and her young age, she has little else to her name not counting her status as Empress.
Divine Classification
Claims to be naught but a Saint and vessel of the Gods, but the citizens of Draconia have begun to worship her as their new Goddess.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Olivia Ullanova, The Adopted Noble, The People's Savior, Our Lady of Rebellion, Goddess Olivia
Year of Birth
2023 AF 97 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a simply peasant family of farmers
A small, unnamed farming village
Current Residence
Sul-Dracon, Capital of Draconia
Bright Blue
Long, straight, golden
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright White
Quotes & Catchphrases
There is good in all of us. I know it.
Faith has freed you of your shackles. Now, faith shall see us to greatness.


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