Vecna, The Arch-Lich

Risen God of Undeath, Magic, Necromancy, and Secrets

Titles: The Arch-Lich, The Chained God, The Dying King, The Undying King, The Whispered One, The Prime Evil, Master of all that is Secret and Hidden, The Corruptor   Roles: To Corrupt and Twist Life, Provide the source for all Necromantic Magic, Lay low all other gods, Ascend to become the Sole God of Ea, Spread and Protect Secrets,   Favored Weapon: Dagger   Alignment: Neutral Evil   Plane of Residence: Prime Material(Formerly), Currently ???   Main Temple and Location: ???   Church Moniker: Cult of the Whispered One   Rival/Enemy/Unliked Gods: All of them   Obedience: Spend an hour committing all your deepest secrets to memory, and to Vecna. Do so while smashing and destroying the holy symbols of as many other gods as possible, in an area of intense necromantic or negative energy if at all possible.   Obedience Effect: When you are the target of a Detect Thoughts, Detect Magic, or any Detect spell that would detect your alignment, you are immediately made aware of the attempt, the spell fails to affect you automatically, and you may choose what Thoughts, Alignment, or other object or thing the spell was seeking are returned by it.(In the case of Detect Magic, you may choose which items you are wearing, if any, return as magic.)

Divine Domains

Evil, Knowledge, Madness, Magic, Rune, Void(Isolation Subdomain Only)

Holy Books & Codes

The Whispered Commandments

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An Eye in the palm of a left hand

Tenets of Faith

Follow the Subtle Path, forever and always. Do nothing blatantly or obviously.
Let none know your true nature, and reveal your secrets to no one.
Nurture the seeds of darkness.
The goal of all life is death. Embrace this fundamental truth, and Defile, Desecrate, and Corrupt the dead until they walk again.
Undeath is perfection, and servitude to Vecna. To exist in Undeath and reject his name is blasphemy.
Reject all gods but Vecna.



Divine Goals & Aspirations



Welün, The Nightbrother

Victim (Important)

Towards Vecna, The Arch-Lich



Vecna, The Arch-Lich

Killer (Vital)

Towards Welün, The Nightbrother




It was not until the height of the Age of Barbarity that he was horrifically slain by the Arch-Lich Vecna, The Arch-Lich during his time as a mortal a tremendous feat of mortal magic, Vecna cast a massive spell and tore Welun from his divine realm, dragging him down to the Material Plane, where he dueled the Moon God and slew him atop Blistersnap Glacier...and in doing so, killed Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon's only son and absorbed his divine essence to ascend into Godhood.

He is the one spoken of only in whispers. He whose name gives him power. To whisper his name alone in a dark room is to invite destruction upon yourself and your family, and the destruction and perversion of all you hold dear.   He is the Godkiller. The Arch-Lich. The Planescape's Greatest Necromancer. One whose very existence is a threat to all gods. All things.   He is Vecna.
— Unknown
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Holy Animal
Holy Colors
Black, Blue, Green
Holy Number


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