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Circle of Brenmarr, the

A circle of stone monoliths located on a grassy hill deep in the Great North Wood. The area around the hill is surrounded by a broad meadow. On the eastern side of the meadow is a small settlement of wooden houses with brightly painted trim and thatched roofs. The settlement is home to a coven of Khanna worshipping witches. They maintain a guest house for pilgrims and a small orphanage for foundling girls. The witches are the keepers of the Circle, which is a sacred site for the goddess worshippers. The witches have good relations with the surrounding communities of forest tribes and act as neutral arbiters for their disputes. They maintain small flocks of goats and sheep, and vegetable gardens.   The Circle and the witches that are its custodians are allegedly protected by various magical guardians. Over the years variosu efforts to do evil to the site or its protectors have come to grief.

Purpose / Function

The circle is both a place of worship of the Goddess Khanna and a place of great mystical power. The witches of the Coven of Brenmarr find that performing rituals on the site boosts their magical powers and increases the chances of success when attempting great agical undertakings.


The Circle is over 1,000 years old, but no one is sure exactly when it was erected. According to the witches they forebearers were directed by the Goddess Khanna to build on this spot and the undertaking was supported by all the local tribes.
Parent Location


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