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Session XXIX: Looting lairs Report

General Summary

[You know when you make up entire conversations in your head? 
They will probably never happen but still… 
there are like seven alternative versions just floating around, keeping you distracted.
Well, this is one of those.. ]
  Rhoda. Did you ever see a dragon? ______ I don't think so.
___ And even if you did, probably not from up close.
  Well you know the stories:
They are enormous, with scales and wings and claws, spitting fire and acid.
  Oh, or maybe … maybe you did see a dragon once.
Maybe, ___ with a bit of luck and good timing, ___ you could have seen one flying over, a green one. __
I've been told that a few weeks back, people spotted him flying away from the city.
That was Xilulth.
And it's that dragon and his hoard I wanted to tell you about.
____ Because you won't see Xilulth flying over anymore. ___ He's death. ___We killed him _
Remember what I've told you about the black death? well, ...
[Huuuuuge timeskip because minds always jump and don't care at all]
  -> battle at Xilulths lair: fighting Mymuntel and her cub
Near the end of the battle, me and jargull were trying our very best too keep everyone and ourselves awake. The gnome dealt the final blow with his shooting blade. Her cub was killed swiftly after. Did I told you about Axton's special shortsword? It's also a ranged weapon, it can shoot a tiny little cannon ball that
[gets sidetracked for like half an hour]
Oh right ___ sorry, __ back to the dragon fight.
From the moment the threat of angry dragons was dealt with, everyones attention went to katara and the dead dog in her arms. Jargull was able to heal him using one of Katara's rings ___ and now __ floof is a still kwispeling doggo
  Okey so, no one's dying anymore? ____ Alright! Looting time
  • large pile of gold coins
  • chest
    • Skarsnick warned us it glowed magical
    • later he told us about a magical fasting stone he found inside
      • now jargull got it and he doesn't need to eat or drink anymore
  • a dragon egg in the middle!
    • we didn't took it
    • sorry to disappoint you Rhoda
    • would have been ___ really bad idea
  • a cage
    • with an old lady in ___ we should probably save
    • she's a hag
    • Black Theresa Pestmeddler  
      • we got one favor
        • Her way of wording this made me scream inside my head
        • Pleaaaaase be carefull with words and sentences, she will use them against you
        • She made me think a bit of the pixies but instead of mischief she gave of a feeling of terrible fortune.
        • We couldn't decide fast enough, so she just went home instead.

We stayed the night at the dragon nest. Everything dense and green, the surroundings are quite amazing without the threat of an angry dragon. Ik heb zalig geslapen toen,__ maar bij het opstaan (na katara's gekukel) zagen sommigen er uit like they just slayed a monster without me. _______ pfh ___ ochtendhumeur
Dreams and Memories (link droomsequence Skarsnick (??? wa was da? doesn't remember) Katara (Hamas ander perspectief) Enys (broer and you are the reason mom is dead) en Jargull (stabbed by his almost wife and tries to hide it) Axton (deur open, The Academy, Hamas))   Anyway we found our way to the hags hut again and skarsnick got to use our favor to heal his head. That was really needed 'cause it turns out there was a larvae mindoctopus planted in his eye. Jargull also went inside but came out saying he didn't make any deal. I really hope he didn't, ___he is not a person to lie so I guess..
  De rest van de tocht werd het bos terug dunner. Beetje bij beetje kwamen ook de dieren terug so we could hunt again. One of the nights on our way back to driard my tent had both an unwelkom and a welkom visitor. Skarsnik, he slept next to me, had a bad dream and was stabbed by someone (real?). His dreams and realitie is way too entangled.
He screamed and everyone rushed inside to heal and help him. This tent is too small to harbor all the panicking Magnificent Misfits. Afterwards, to protect te goblin, we aranged that there would always be someone guarding our tent that night.
They didn't do that, ___ maybe they tried but it wasn't effective. Mira could just walk in. It was comforting seeing her again. She's watching over us, but not just me apparantly. She's showing interest in the brass dragonborn too. Also, I thought giving skarsnick the leaf was more like a placebo for him, and maybe most of all for myself. But Mira actually kept an eye on him while he had it.
After she left I stayed awake for the rest of the watch because _clearly___ Jargull and Bonfire _ weren't_ paying attention.
[error daydream interupped: filthel started small talk]
Magnificent Misfits
Jarghull Nabaal
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
20 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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