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Session XXXII: Goodbye Lena Report

General Summary

Greetings reader. Today we see the story from Lena's perspective. Although it's the beginning of a new chapter. It's also the end for some. The party is travelling through the phlogiston, starting the third of decembruary.
Hey Holly, record message.
We're making our way towards home right now. I'm enjoying myself with Floof quite a bit and the others are kind of freaking out a bit that they have no access to magic and what not. I saw Katara and skarsnik's tent from the outside. That was kinda cool.   We're almost out of the phlogiston right now. I've had a real fun talk with Katara. Most of them have been using Holly to research upon whatever. I'll be honest, I asked what they looked up and... some weird stuff. I don't think skarsnik really gets the concept of time. I've also been listening to Tusk love.. again... What can I say, it's just a good book. skarsnik called all of us for a meeting and we've devised a plan to kill the admiral (they call him the mayor). Which apparently is an impostor called William Frelgard, who can shapeshift. I'm still kinda bummed out I didn't get to kill any dragons but it's fine. I do miss mom...   We've been in regular space for a while now, Axton has been taking over the controls and he's getting pretty good. It was a little.. wobbly in the beginning. And I'm guessing it attracted the attention of COU patrol unit P-039. They requested a ship inspection once we're on the ground which kind of messed up the plan but it should be fine. Jarghull sent some messages, most of which arrived but I guess some didn't bear very good news. He's been having it quite rough I think. I hope the little visit from Baronk and his burrito's helped.
On the 18th of Decembruary the adventurers, who They would call Heroes, fly over to Frelgardia and land on space pad COU3556. This would only be the beginning of a very interesting day, although they don't know that yet.
We arrived on our landing pad and after a quick search of our ship, the guards left the ship and mom and Karl arrived. It was kind of weird but also comforting to see him again as well. I ran into my mom's arms as soon as I saw.. I kind of left without warning so yeah.. my bad mom. Mom offered a reward but the rest weren't interested. Well.. Axton got a room and went to get some supplies whilst I went back to talk with mom and Karl.   I talked with mom a lot and Katara told me I needed her permission to travel with them. But she told me she'd rather have me stay for at least a while. And I did kind of blow a lot of money on fixing the ship and my little adventure so I decided I'd stay, earn my pay and continue my adventure another time. I went back to the landing pad to tell the rest. After all they were much stronger than I am and it's very dangerous as I've noticed on my time on Batuu. They were sad to see me go but.. it was the right choice. Also mom wouldn't let me, so I couldn't really.   A few moments later the rest went on there mission. Splitting up as the plan said. Strike team was skarsnik, Filthel, Omaira and Katara following invisibly. And the rest waiting back at the ship as the getaway and distraction. The first part of the plan worked almost flawlessly. And by that I mean they couldn't find the target. Afterwards they were followed by a dwarf and lead straight into the base of the enemy. Which is where they got flanked and cornered by the target and his guards. Luckily his right hand man betrayed him and fled the base and the strike team quickly disposed of Frelgard.   They tried running after the old man, but much to their dismay. He had read their memories and found the getaway. In an attempt to flee the scene and defeat these foes he tried plane shifting Jarghull but he resisted it. The right hand man dropped his disguise and turned into a weird tiger man and tried walking onto the ship. But then enys used her sleep breath and they were able to successfully detain the creature. Now everything was going almost according to plan. They're were going to create a distraction and get out.
So enys ordered her familiar, Toothless, to blow up some barrels with explosive material inside. So he lit up the large stack of barrels. I think enys' obsession with fire might become a problem, especially in her new form. The explosion was so big it destroyed a big part of grey harbor. Things were going south fast, somehow they managed to bullshit their way out of the situation even though they were very suspicious. So they successfully bought some time for them and are ready to leave. But before they do.... I'm going to record one final message.
  Read Message
Hey guys, if Holly is telling you this it means I'm gone. I hope I'm still alive although I probably am. I'm pretty cool. I just kinda wanted to say thanks, you know. You all helped save my life... multiple times... Thanks Katara for taking me with you in the first place. Thanks Jarghull for taking care of me. If you're still there... Thanks Remi because even though I couldn't see you again. You sacrificed yourself for the others and ultimately for me. I'll never forget that. Thanks skarsnik for being the crazy gobo leader the group needed and supporting me in your own weird way. Thanks Filthel, Omaira, Bonfire and enys because even though I've only just begun to hear your stories. You've helped the others and me by extent in many ways already... I hope our paths cross in the future. Maybe when I'm a little older... Once I turn 18 and I've saved up some more, I'm sure I'll find you guys.   In the meantime, don't forget to restock the supplies. If you need any help learning ship repairs, Holly should be able to help you. I've told her as much as possible. Make sure Floof gets some food too and yeah... Good Luck. Also I may or may not have hidden some fun stuff around the ship, in case you get bored.
So, I've been watching them for a while now. They've dealt with the situation quite remarkably but that is to be expected of them. It's been a couple of months now and I'll be damned if Baronk the trade of all people helps them more than I do. But I've been listening to what They're saying and if I've got everything correct. I'm going to need their help.   So, I subsequently stopped time and visited them.
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Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

Getting of Batuu and onto Granviles
Magnificent Misfits
Jarghull Nabaal
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Player Journals
Lena by Jarghull Nabaal
Report Date
25 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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