Attrachti (uh-TRAWCH-tee)

Attrachti storm giants were the creators and original rulers of Zivilon in the days of its founding. These powerful titans command great powers of thunder bestowed by the gods themselves. Some believe that these giants are exalted forms of air genasi that were elevated from their smaller stature by the same gods that imbued them with their powers.   In the Age of Anguish, the Attrachti were nearly wiped out by Kizarmak, the god of early death, who had come to dispense his wrath upon the growing sky islands of the Plane of Storms. The Attrachti and their Kaath'Dunal servants put up a legendary resistance, but were overrun and all but destroyed. Only a small clutch of one hundred Attrachti giants survived. They have steadily dwindled over the years as their population ages, now numbering less than a dozen in total.   Some surviving Attrachti serve as stewards to important institutions throughout Zivilon, such as the chambers of the High Throne itself, where two of the giants guard the Lords of the High Throne as they deliberate on the city's laws.