
The city-state of Zivilon, also referred to as the Storm's Eye and -- by its enemies -- the Worldeater, Planekiller, and Great Betrayer, is a powerful settlement that was once the heart of the Zivil Empire. With a history that stretches tens of thousands of years, it is one of the oldest remaining bastions of civilization in Corporeus.  


  The city was founded by Attrachti storm giants at the end of the Age of Heart. The nature of its floating islands are sometimes attributed to a mythical giant-queen who gave her eye for the first island of Zivilon to be born. Other early inhabitants include the Myelos air genasi, the Venat owlin, and the Kaath'Dunal elves. Modern Zivilon is far more diverse, hosting planar travelers from many other worlds, including the Materium. Hundreds of species inhabit the city, and many residents are now of mixed heritage.  


  Zivilon is situated atop a miles-wide archipelago of floating rock in the Plane of Storms. This rock formation has steadily grown over the years, synthesizing new land for the city's inhabitants.   Just outside of the island's borders, a tremendous dark storm stretches in a massive cylinder several miles in diameter and nearly as tall. This storm is tended to by the Mith'Missos, who since ancient times have stewarded the winds and maintained their strange magical properties. Various rumors abound surrounding the storm and its keepers: some say that great beasts lurk within, or that necromantic magics destroy the flesh of all who enter the winds. At least it is certain that any who enter the black winds without the guidance of a Ferryman or one of the Mith'Missos is assured to die.   Passage in and out of the city is relatively expensive at 10 gold per person, and the only pathway through the storm is a thin breakage in the winds that is opened or closed at will by the Mith'Missos. This passage lies just north of the Gaterock, which itself floats on the northern end of the city.F
Located in
Plane of Storms