Kaath'Dunal (kawth-doo-NAWL)

The Kaath'Dunal elves are an extinct culture that originally inhabited Zivilon in the days of its founding. Servants to the Attrachti storm giants, these ancient elves helped research foundational elemental magics of storm that would later provide the foundations for many technologies such as the Kaath Mirrors and the Zivil mortar.   In the Age of Anguish, the Kaath'Dunal were wiped out by Kizarmak, the god of early death, who had come to dispense his wrath upon the growing sky islands of the Plane of Storms. Along with their Attrachti lords, these elves were destroyed when they resisted the malevolent god's rule.   Remnants of Kaath'Dunal civilization dot the landscape throughout the Plane of Storms, and their magics are still used many millennia later.