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Imogen Pendragon-Strong (Em-oh-gin Pen-dragon Strong)

Guild Master Imogen Lotus Pendragon-Strong (a.k.a. Imogen Pedley, Lotus Pendragon, Lotus Pedley....)

A cloak hooded figure looks on as a blonde haired girl bounced forward with flowers in her basket, the girl smiled brightly as she went from person to offering flowers as she hummed a song. The hooded figure was waiting as the child skipped closer the nervous energy showing as they shifted there feet on the ground, the little bounced forward towards him a worried look started to form on her face as she finally took notice of the hooded figure. As hands reached out plucking the girl into the back alley they had been hidden in one hand covering her mouth as she kicked and screamed, he started to speak to her. "I know place where such a beautiful little girl would fetch a good price." Halfway through his sentence he felt a tinge of pain as he looked down seeing a dagger sticking in his throat cutting off the words he was going to speak, blinking he stepped back looking up as he finally seen what had taken him out. A beautiful figured woman hanging upside down from a dangling rope he had not noticed earlier, trying to swallow he looked at the little girl who instead of running away had her hands on her hips pouting. "Mom!! I had it!" The woman did a flip landing on her feet then stretching her back as she stared down with slate grey eyes at the girl. "I was just trying to help hunny. Plus you know me.. they touch my babies they die." Walking over the woman kicks the man now laying on the ground bleeding to death, as the scene pans out you watch as in the alleyway the two are arguing as the man tries to the crawl to the edge of the alley way only to have his foot stabbed into by the little girl who points a finger at him. "Stay there and die like a good target."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Imogen has a scar on her tummy from her grandfather.

Facial Features

If you look closely into her grey eyes she has golden flecks in them from her draconic heritage.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a tattoo of gold dragon wings on her back which has the first letter of each of her children's name and a K for Kruax in them.

Special abilities

Imogen is from a very diluted line of dragonkin unlike her mother though she did not get the 'special' family ability although she did get one of her own. She has a breath weapon from her ancestor gold dragon, unfortunately her line is so diluted her children are not going to have any abilities of her family which is just fine with her.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually Imogen has daggers, bags of coins and dice attached at her hips and upper arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Imogen (E-mo-gin) Lotus Pendragon was a woman who grew up in a difficult situation, her mother was highborn of the Lancaster family who treated her in the most awful of ways. Her father was imprisoned for something he never committed due to a corrupt and unjust system. Growing up though Imogen did not know this in fact she grew up believing both of her parents were killed due to their cruel treatment which left her to be raised by her father's best friend Wesley Summerhold. Wesley taught her everything she knows about sneaking around, stealing, lying and cheating her way through life. Imogen would take jobs as she was older to help reveal the unjust system and pay them back for all they had done to her, during which she was somehow cuffed to a stupid but sinly sexy Knight named Kruax Strong... the rest is as they say history.  

Gender Identity





When Imogen was a young girl she was taken from her mother in order to save her life, it was at this time Imogen was taken in by Wesley Summerhold who taught her the life of a thief and assassin. Most of her education was based off this and anything Wesley taught her. She does not have a formal education.


Guild Master of the Purveyor of Secrets. Former Thief/Rogue.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Imogen is an accomplished thief/assassin/scout who worked for her own survival while one of the most ruthless families was after her to kill her. Even with the odds against her she busted her way through the corrupted Knights who protected the city, and even when one of them innocent as can be was thrust in her way she was able to make him see the light. After she took down the knights she was able to free her real father from a framed imprisonment that had taken from her just before her own birth, and then with the connections she made she was able to rank herself in with the highest of those in the guilds. None of this compares to the fact that during this time she married the love of her life and had 3 beautiful children with him.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being handcuffed to a solider for half a year cause she did not see him coming and the idiot would not listen to reason.

Mental Trauma

As a child Imogen's mother was ripped from her by her own grandfather for reasons she would not understand till later. She was locked away in a dark attic room for

Intellectual Characteristics

Imogen is more of street smarts then book smarts, that said does not mean that she does not know a few things. When she was a young child she was raised in a diginified family, taught to play the piano, how to write and seal letters, sewing and other 'womanly' skills. She was never able to finish these but still was able to learn about them.

Morality & Philosophy

'Touch my kids and you will never see your death coming.'

Personality Characteristics


Her family.

Likes & Dislikes

Her family, Her job, Her ass Knights, Too many rules, Mornings

Vices & Personality flaws

Her sinfully beautiful husband.


Family Ties



Imogen Pendragon-Strong

spouse (Vital)

Towards Kruax Del-Fabra Strong



Kruax Del-Fabra Strong

spouse (Vital)

Towards Imogen Pendragon-Strong




Imogen and Kruax met during a very mixed up job where Imogen was to steal a crate on a train, Kruax was guarding the crate. The idiot thought it was a good idea to cuff himself to her and would not unlock the cuffs until he brought her in for her crimes. Lucky Imogen was able to talk to the blonde bombshell and make him see the light of how corrupted his world was. This of course called for some steamy romance.

Legal Status


Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guild Master, Mom
Date of Birth
18th of Aphiel
Year of Birth
1345 40 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Rikar, Cerulia
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Chesire, Cerulia
Slate Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Sorry boys you got my looks. You will never be sinfully beautiful like your father."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Speak: Common, Thieves Cant, Draconic   Read: Common, Thieves Cant, Draconic

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