Auk General

The Auk General is an an avian soldier native to Jotun who serves as a deckhand to the Nomad's crew. Improbably, it is one of the best helmsmen aboard the ship, and often steers when Justain is not able.   The General served as a high ranking member of an Emperor Auk's Court. When the Party slayed his master while hunting leviathans on Jotun, he joined their crew. Although, they aren't sure if the auk is acting out of gratitude for his freedom, or if the astral compulsion from his master's crown (now sitting in the Nomad's trophy room) still lingers in his mind. If only auks could talk.  
Spears 1d10
Dodge 1d8
Swim 1d6
Helmsman 1d6

Toughness 6
Pace 4
Damage (Spear) 1d8+1d6

Rallying Call. As a Standard Action, grants all animal crew members +2 to skill tests for one turn


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